LTC Awis Ibrahim taking over as new Deputy Commander of 510 Territorial Army Regiment.
SARAWAK: Pasukan Rejimen 510 Askar Wataniah (Rej 510 AW) mengadakan Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Timbalan Komander Rej 510 AW bertempat di Padang Kawad Rej 510 AW pada 16 Mei 2019.
Majlis dimulakan dengan acara pemakaian pangkat anggota oleh mantan Timbalan Komander.
Seterusnya diteruskan dengan upacara menandatangani Nota Serah Terima Tugas di antara Lt Kol Zakaria Abdul Rahman dan Lt Kol Awis Ibrahim disaksikan 9 Bgd serta simbolik majlis iaitu penyerahan Tongkat Kuasa.
Mantan Timb Komander dalam ucapan beliau turut mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih diatas sumbang bakti dan kerjasama yang diberikan oleh semua peringkat sepanjang tampuk pimpinan beliau.
Beliau juga berharap agar tugas dan tanggungjawab dapat digembleng seiring dengan cogan kata Segulai Sejalai .
Artikel : Lt Nurul Amira Abd Razak
Gambar : Pbt Saiful Madli

Regiment Force 510 Territorial Army (Rej 510 AW) holds Assignment Ceremony for Deputy Commander Rej 510 AW at AWJ 510 AW on May 16, 2019.

The ceremony commenced with a member of the deputy commander.

Subsequently continued with the signing ceremony of the Handover Notes between Lt Col Zakaria Abdul Rahman and Lt Col Awis Ibrahim witnessed 9 Bgd as well as the symbolic of the ceremony of handing over the Tongkat Kuasa.

Former deputy Commander in his speech also expressed his gratitude for the contributions and cooperation given by all levels during his leadership.

He also hoped that his duties and responsibilities could be mobilized in line with Segerang Sejalai’s motto.

Article: Lt Nurul Amira Abd Razak
Picture: Pbt Saiful Madli

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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