KEM BENTONG, Jul 5, 2019 – The parade for the Operations PASIR Selatan Series 3/19 was held in the parade square, Bentong Camp.

The parade ceremony was officiated by Commander 11 Brigade, BG Dato ‘Dr Mohd Radzi bin Hj Abdul Hamid. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of every member to continue to perform their duty expeditiously throughout the operation.


KEM BENTONG, 5 Jul 2019 – Perbarisan gerakan bagi Operasi Pasir Selatan Siri 3/19 telah diadakan di padang kawad pasukan.

Upacara perbarisan ini telah disempurnakan oleh Panglima 11 Briged iaitu Brig Jen Dato’ Dr Mohd Radzi bin Hj Abdul Hamid. Dalam ucapan Panglima, beliau menekankan kepentingan setiap anggota untuk terus bekerja dengan luarbiasa sepanjang operasi kelak.

Ops PASIR SELATAN Parade headed by MAJ Mohd Eqram bin Mohd Rosli

Perbarisan ini di ketuai oleh Mej Mohd Eqram bin Mohd Rosli, selaku Pegawai Gerak Pasukan, Ajutan perbarisan adalah Kapt Mohamed Zaman Shah bin Mohamed Ali dan SMR adalah PWI Ahmad Sufian bin Abdul Rahman.

Oleh: Lt Izzi
Gambar: LKpl Faizul

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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