CHIANG MAI, 18 Jul 19 – Closing Ceremony of Air THAMAL 29/19 has been held at the Aircraft Maintenance Dispersal Area Wing 41 Air Base, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Closing Ceremony of Air THAMAL 29/19

The parade of RTAF and RMAF personnel was witnessed by the Air Operations Commander, LG Dato ‘Sri Hj Abdul Mutalib bin Datuk Hj Ab Wahab RMAF and senior RMAF officials.

In ACM Thowonwat Chantanakom’s speech, Assistant Commander-in-Chief he hoped the spirit of friendship and cooperation of Air Thamal could be maintained in the future as he officiated the event’s closing ceremony.

RTAF will once again host the Ex Air Thamal next year on the concept of Field Training Exercise (FTX).

CHIANG MAI, 18 Jul 19 – Majlis Penutup Eksesais Air Thamal siri 29/19 telah dilaksanakan di kawasan Aircraft Maintenance Dispersal Area Wing 41 Air Base, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Perbarisan yang dianggotai peserta eksesais RTAF dan TUDM ini turut disaksikan oleh Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Sri Hj Abdul Mutalib bin Datuk Hj Ab Wahab TUDM serta pegawai-pegawai kanan TUDM.

Thanking all participants of Air THAMAL 29/19

Dalam ucapan ACM Thowonwat Chantanakom, Assistant Commander-in-Chief beliau berharap semangat setiakawan dan kerjasama Air Thamal dapat dikekalkan pada masa akan datang sekaligus beliau merasmikan majlis penutup eksesais ini.

RTAF sekali lagi akan menjadi tuan rumah Eks Air Thamal pada tahun hadapan berkonsepkan Field Training Exercise (FTX) yang mana ia diadakan secara dwi tahunan.

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Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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