Deputy Minister of Defence Liew Chin Tong’s press release on Tuesday 13 August 2019 in Kuala Lumpur

I have written at length about the role of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) and the wrong perception on their roles, and have the misunderstanding of the military. (

In times of peace, the MAF has the role of assisting various local agencies and international missions. The military is the last step and choice for the country.

Quoting the Latin proverb, ‘si vis pacem, parabellum’; if you want peace, get ready for battle. All parties need to understand the concept of Army preparedness as a last resort.

Public misunderstanding expressed in the writings of Koon Yew Yin ( is very regretful. This is a misunderstanding that needs to be corrected, such as that of former Sabah chief minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh (

I urge all Malaysians, regardless of race and economic background, whether civilian or military, to seek to understand the role and sacrifice of the MAF, and to be cautious in making any statements.

In light of this independence month, let us all appreciate the sacrifices of the Malaysian Armed Forces in maintaining peace, and to fill the liberties we enjoy. Let us give our full support to the Malaysian Armed Forces.


Kenyataan media Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan, Liew Chin Tong pada hari Selasa 13 Ogos 2019 di Kuala Lumpur

Saya telah menulis panjang lebar tentang peranan Angkatan Tentera dan bagaimana wujudnya persepsi yang salah berkenaan peranan mereka, serta salah faham orang ramai tentang tugas ketenteraan. (

Pada masa aman, Angkatan Tentera mempunyai peranan membantu pelbagai agensi tempatan dan misi-misi antarabangsa. Tentera adalah langkah dan pilihan terakhir bagi negara.

Memetik pepatah Latin, ‘si vis pacem, parabellum’; jika mahu keamanan, bersiap sedia untuk peperangan. Semua pihak harus faham konsep kesiapsiagaan Angkatan Tentera sebagai pilihan terakhir.

Salah faham awam yang diperlihatkan melalui tulisan Koon Yew Yin ( adalah amat dikesalkan. Inilah salah faham yang perlu diperbetulkan, sepertimana salah faham mantan ketua menteri Sabah, Tan Sri Harris Salleh (

Saya menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira latar keturunan dan kelas ekonomi, sama ada awam atau tentera, untuk berusaha memahami peranan dan pengorbanan Angkatan Tentera, dan berhati-hati dalam mengeluarkan kenyataan.

Sempena bulan kemerdekaan ini, marilah kita sama-sama menghayati pengorbanan Angkatan Tentera demi mengekalkan keamanan, serta mengisi kemerdekaan yang kita kecapi. Marilah kita memberi sokongan penuh kepada Angkatan Tentera Malaysia.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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