2 Oct 2020, TRIBUNJABAR.ID, BANDUNG – Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) PTD converts CN235-220 Military Transport aircraft into CN235-220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA).

A total of 3 units of the 6 units of CN235-220 aircraft belonging to the RMAF were converted into maritime patrol aircraft.

The first aircraft CN235-220 arrived at the PTDI production facility on 8 September, 2020, the conversion process was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Today, the Handover Ceremony was signed for the second flight of CN235-220 which will also undergo conversion into a maritime patrol aircraft. While the third aircraft CN235-220 is scheduled to arrive at PTDI in January 2021.” said Adi Prastowo, Corporate Communications & Promotion Manager, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) in a press release received by the Tribune, Friday (2/10/2020).

PTDI collaborates with Integrated Surveillance and Defense, Inc (ISD) headquartered in Wilsonville, Oregon, United States in providing and integrating Mission Management Systems (MMS) for 3 units of CN235-220 aircraft owned by RMAF, Malaysia.

The Mission Management Systems device that will be installed on CN235-220 owned by the RMAF, Malaysia including FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) is a camera equipped with Infrared to detect and classify targets and able to record the situation around the flying area for mission evaluation.

Belly Radome where the Radar Dome is mounted at the bottom or at the abdomen stores the 360 ​​° Search Radar that can detect small targets up to 200 NM (Nautical Mile) and Automatic Identification System (AIS), automatic tracking system to identify ships, so that it can be obtained position of suspicious objects.

TRIBUNJABAR.ID,BANDUNG – Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) PTDkonversi pesawat CN235-220 Military Transport menjadi CN235-220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA).

Sebanyak 3 unit dari 6 unit pesawat CN235-220 milik TUDM dikonversi menjadi pesawat patroli maritim.

RMAF and PTDI personnel.

Pesawat pertama CN235-220 ini telah tiba di fasilitas produksi PTDI pada tanggal 8 September 2020, guna memulai proses konversi yang telah tertunda akibat pandemi Covid-19.

“Pada hari ini, ditandatangani Berita Acara Serah Terima pesawat kedua CN235-220 yang juga akan menjalani konversi menjadi pesawat patroli maritim. Sedangkan pesawat ketiga CN235-220 dijadwalkan akan tiba di PTDI pada Januari 2021.” kata Adi Prastowo, Manager Komunikasi Perusahaan & Promosi, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) dalam siaran pers yang diterima Tribun, Jumat (2/10/2020).

PTDI bekerjasama dengan Integrated Surveillance and Defense, Inc (ISD) yang berkantor pusat di Wilsonville, Oregon, Amerika Serikat dalam menyediakan dan integrasi Mission Management Systems (MMS) untuk 3 unit pesawat CN235-220 milik TUDM, Malaysia.

Perangkat Mission Management Systems yang akan dipasangkan pada CN235-220 milik TUDM, Malaysia diantaranya FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) yaitu kamera yang dilengkapi dengan Infrared untuk mendeteksi dan mengklasifikasikan target serta mampu merekam situasi di sekitar wilayah terbang untuk evaluasi misi.

Belly Radome dimana dipasangkan Radar Dome di bagian bawah atau di bagian perut untuk menyimpan 360° Search Radar yang dapat mendeteksi target yang kecil sampai 200 NM (Nautical Mile) dan Automatic Identification System (AIS), sistem pelacakan otomatis untuk mengidentifikasi kapal, sehingga dapat diperoleh posisi objek yang mencurigakan.

Source: tribunjabar.id

Penulis: Siti Fatimah
Editor: Siti Fatimah

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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