Ex PARADISE 7/20 today conducted CDS (Container Delivery System) and LCLA (Low Cost Low Altitude) training. This is the first exercise after the opening of Ex PARADISE 7/20 which was officiated by the Commander of Air Operations, Lt Gen Dato’ Hj Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman RMAF on 12 Oct 20.

READ: Opening Ceremony Of RMAF Exercise Paradise 7/20

This exercise has involved RMAF transport aircraft namely 2 C130H aircraft and a CN235 aircraft. With competence and skills, the RMAF crew has ensured that this training was successfully conducted at the designated air drop location.

The objective of this training is to coordinate the delivery of food supplies, medicine, armaments and elements of infiltration team to the location of operations by air.

Eks PARADISE 7/20 hari ini melaksanakan latihan CDS(Container Delivery System) dan LCLA (Low Cost Low Altitude).

Ini merupakan latihan pertama selepas pembukaan Eks PARADISE 7/20 yang disempurnakan oleh Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Hj Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman TUDM pada 12 Okt 20.

Latihan ini telah melibatkan pesawat pengangkut TUDM iaitu 2 pesawat C130H dan sebuah pesawat CN235. Dengan kecekapan dan kemahiran yang ada pada anak kapal telah memastikan latihan ini berjaya dilaksanakan dengan jayanya di lokasi guguran udara yang telah ditetapkan.

Objektif latihan ini bertujuan untuk mengkoodinasikan elemen penghantaran bekalan makanan, perubatan, persenjataan dan elemen penyusupan pasukan ke lokasi operasi melalui udara.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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