KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 6 – The Government has increased the defence and security allocation in the 2021 Budget.

“The Ministry of Defence Malaysia (MINDEF) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) are allocated RM 16 billion and RM 17 billion respectively.

“To ensure the readiness of the main assets of the Malaysian Armed Forces, the government will increase the maintenance allocation to RM 2.3 billion for 2021 compared to RM 2 billion previously,” said Finance Minister, Senator Tengku Datuk Sri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz in the Dewan Rakyat.

In the previous Budget 2020, MINDEF was allocated RM15.6 billion and RM 16.9 billion to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Tengku Zafrul added, the government also approved the construction of almost 1,000 new units of the Armed Forces Family Home at a total cost of almost RM 500 million.

He added that the government also allocated RM 27 million to CyberSecurity Malaysia to strengthen the country’s cyber security controls due to the increasing trend of cyber crime.

KUALA LUMPUR, 6 Nov – Kerajaan telah meningkatkan peruntukan pertahanan dan keselamatan dalam Belanjawan 2021.

“Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia (MINDEF) dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) masing-masing diperuntukkan RM 16 bilion dan RM 17 bilion.

“Bagi memastikan kesiapsiagaan aset-aset utama Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, kerajaan akan menaikkan peruntukan penyelenggaraan kepada RM 2.3 bilion bagi tahun 2021 berbanding RM 2 bilion sebelum ini,” kata Menteri Kewangan, Senator Tengku Datuk Sri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz di Dewan Rakyat.

Dalam Belanjawan 2020 sebelum ini, MINDEF telah diperuntukkan sebanyak RM15.6 bilion dan RM 16.9 bilion kepada KDN.

Tengku Zafrul menambah, kerajaan turut meluluskan pembinaan hampir 1,000 buah unit baharu Rumah Keluarga Angkatan Tentera dengan kos keseluruhan berjumlah hampir RM 500 juta.

Beliau menambah, kerajaan turut memperuntukkan RM 27 juta kepada CyberSecurity Malaysia untuk perkukuhkan kawalan keselamatan siber negara berikutan trend jenayah siber yang kian meningkat.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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