NEGERI SEMBILAN: A total of 44 officers and 116 members of other ranks (LLP) under the First Infantry Brigade (1 Bgd) were involved in exercise SATRIA BERANI (CPX) 15th Royal Malay Regiment (15 RMR) 1/2021 at the Army Warfare Center (POP TD) which started from 3 to 10 March 2021.

The opening of the Exercise was officiated by the Chief of Staff of Headquarters 1 Bgd and commenced with the Presentation of the Initiating Order by the Commanding Officer of 15 RMR on 6 March 2021.

This exercise has the concept of conventional warfare with the mobilisation of 15 RMR under the 1 Bgd to carry out the Offensive Phase, namely advance and attack.

The exercise organisation consisted of High Control (HI-CON) from HQ 1 Bgd, Lower Control (LO-CON) from 15 RMR, Red Force from 508 Territorial Army Regiment (508 TA Regiment), Exercise Planning Staff Team (SPE) led by HQ Port Dickson Station Staff (MSS PD) & and Evaluation Team from 24 RMR.

The Hands On class was conducted for two days as an adjustment exercise.

In the speech, Commander 1 Bgd informed that this exercise aims to provide exposure and training on the operation of warfare systems in real war situations as well as to increase knowledge related to actual tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) in performing a task.

Also present were six Volunteer Officers from Rej 508 TA as observers as well as elements from C Sqn, 2nd Armour, 9 Sqn Engineer and A Bty 4 RAR.


NEGERI SEMBILAN: Seramai 44 pegawai dan 116 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) di bawah Formasi Briged Pertama Infantri Malaysia (1 Bgd) terlibat dalam Eksesais Satria Berani (CPX) Batalion Ke-15 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (15 RAMD) Siri 1/2021 di Pusat Olah Perang Tentera Darat (POP TD) bermula pada 3 hingga 10 Mac 2021.

Pembukaan Eksesais disempurnakan oleh Ketua Staf Markas 1 Bgd dan dimulakan dengan Penyampian Perintah Mara oleh Pegawai Memerintah 15 RAMD pada 6 Mac 2021.

Latihan ini berkonsepkan peperangan konvensional dengan aturgerak 15 RAMD dibawah ketumbukan Formasi 1 Bgd bagi melaksanakan Fasa Offensif iaitu mara dan serangan.

Organisasi eksesais terdiri daripada Pengendali Atas (HI-CON) dari MK 1 Bgd, Pengendali Bawah (LO-CON) dari 15 RAMD, Pelaku Merah dari Rejimen 508 Askar Wataniah (Rej 508 AW), Tim Staf Planning Eksesais (SPE) yang diketuai oleh MK Staf Stesen Port Dickson (MSS PD)& dan Tim Evaluasi dari 24 RAMD.

Kelas Hands On telah dilaksanakan selama dua hari sebagai latihan penyesuaian.

Dalam ucapan Panglima 1 Bgd, beliau memaklumkan eksesais ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan serta melatih berkenaan pengoperasian sistem olah perang dalam situasi peperangan sebenar disamping dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan berkaitan taktik, teknik dan prosedur (TTP) sebenar dalam perlaksanaan sesuatu tugas.

Turut serta, enam Pegawai Sukarela dari Rej 508 AW sebagai pemerhati serta elemen tumpangan dari C Skn 2 KAD, 9 Skn RAJD dan A Bti 4 RAD.

  • Markas Briged Pertama Infantri Malaysia

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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