JOHOR: Colonel Commander Special Service Group His Majesty the Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar agreed to deliver the order by delegating the Commander of 21 Gerup Gerak Khas (21 GGK), Maj Gen Datuk Jamaluddin Jambi together with all members of the Special Service Regiment (RGK) in conjunction with the Anniversary Year of the 56th RGK virtually at the Lobby of HQ 21 GGK Camp Iskandar on 1 August 2021.

In a statement from the Sultan of Johor, he expressed his congratulations on the 56th RGK Anniversary and called on all Gerak Khas members to abide by the SOPs that have been set to curb the COVID-19 pandemic.

His Majesty expressed his highest appreciation to all the former Gerak Khas who have contributed their energy to the development of Gerak Khas over the years.

The Sultan of Johor thanked the Chief of Army who had tried to procure new equipment for GGK and informed that he was very concerned about the development of Gerak Khas and reminded the Army leadership to give priority to this regiment because it is a force of choice.

Before concluding, he also reminded those who manage the procurement of the equipment not to be selfish without thinking about the impact in the future and to leaders regardless of which level of leadership, that they should always think and be responsible to those who they lead.

Meanwhile, in a message from the Chairman of Gerak Khas and Commander of 21 GGK, Maj Gen Datuk Jamaluddin Jambi wished a happy 56th GGK Anniversary to all GGK personnel and heroes and thanked them for all the sacrifices they have made in the fight to defend national sovereignty.

The celebration continued with the Inauguration and Nomination Ceremony of Dewan Boxing, Dewan Ramli where the hall was named to commemorate the services and sacrifices of the fourth Commander of 21 GGK, the late Maj Gen Dato’ Mohd Ramli Ismail at the Army Special Warfare Training Center (PULPAK).

Next, the Commander of 21 GGK received the award of Honorary Chief Combat Swimmer Expertise Badge from PULPAK Commander and the RGK Anniversary cake cutting event, souvenir presentation to the family representative of the late Maj Gen Dato’ Mohd Ramli Ismail and Special Operations Direction book were also held.

Also present were the Chief of General Staff, Brig Gen Nubli Hj Hashim and the Director of Special Operations.


JOHOR: Kol Komandan Gerak Khas Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar berkenan menyampaikan titah dengan mewakilkan Panglima 21 Gerup Gerak Khas (21 GGK), Mej Jen Datuk Jamaluddin Jambi bersama seluruh warga Rejimen Gerak Khas (RGK) sempena Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) RGK Ke-56 secara maya bertempat di Lobi MK 21 GGK Kem Iskandar pada 1 Ogos 2021.

Dalam titah Sultan Johor, baginda menzahirkan ucapan selamat menyambut HUT RGK Ke-56 dan menyeru semua warga Gerak Khas untuk mematuhi SOP yang telah ditetapkan bagi mengekang pandemik COVID-19.

Baginda merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua mantan Gerak Khas yang telah menyumbang tenaga bakti kepada pembangunan Gerak Khas selama ini.

Sultan Johor menzahirkan ucapan terima kasih kepada Panglima Tentera Darat yang telah berusaha mendapatkan perolehan peralatan baharu kepada GGK disamping memaklumkan bahawa baginda amat mengambil berat tentang perkembangan Gerak Khas dan mengingatkan kepada pihak pimpinan TD untuk memberi keutamaan kepada rejimen ini kerana ianya merupakan force of choice.

Sebelum mengakhiri titah baginda turut mengingatkan kepada pihak yang menguruskan perolehan peralatan tersebut untuk tidak mementingkan diri sendiri tanpa memikirkan kesan pada masa hadapan dan kepada pemimpin mahu pun ketua tanpa mengira peringkat mana yang memimpin hendaklah sentiasa memikirkan serta bertanggungjawab kepada mereka yang dipimpin.

Sementara itu dalam perutusan Pengerusi Gerak Khas merangkap Panglima 21 GGK, Mej Jen Datuk Jamaluddin Jambi mengucapkan selamat menyambut HUT GGK Ke-56 kepada seluruh warga serta wira-wira GGK dan ucapan penghargaan terima kasih di atas segala pengorbanan yang telah dicurahkan selama ini dalam berjuang mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.

Acara sambutan diteruskan dengan Majlis Perasmian dan Penamaan Dewan Tinju iaitu Dewan Ramli dimana penamaan dewan ini bagi mengenang jasa dan pengorbanan Panglima 21 GGK yang keempat, Allahyarham Mej Jen Dato’ Mohd Ramli Ismail di Pusat Latihan Peperangan Khusus Tentera Darat (PULPAK).

Seterusnya Panglima 21 GGK menerima penganugerahan Lencana Kepakaran Kehormat, Ketua Perenang Tempur daripada Komandan PULPAK dan acara memotong kek HUT RGK, penyerahan cenderahati kepada wakil keluarga Allahyarham Mej Jen Dato’ Mohd Ramli Ismail dan penyerahan buku Hala Tuju Gerak Khas turut diadakan.Turut hadir, Ketua Staf Am, Brig Jen Nubli Hj Hashim dan Pengarah Gerak Khas.- Markas 21 Gerup Gerak Khas

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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