Kuala Lumpur, 2 August 21- The Chief of Air Force, General Tan Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad RMAF today held a video conference with Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld, his counterpart from the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). The 30 -minute video conference was also attended by the Malaysian Defence Attaché in Australia, Col Nahar Azmin bin Abdul Rahman and the Australian Defence Attaché in Malaysia, Group Captain Gretchen Fryar.
Gen Tan Sri Ackbal of the RMAF in his conversation stated that the RMAF appreciates the friendship and close cooperation between the two air forces that is already established between the RMAF and RAAF. The RMAF is also committed in providing support to RAAF personnel at Butterworth Air Base as well as strengthening the credible partnership strategy of both forces.
The two top leaders of the Air Force also discussed cooperation programs to further strengthen bilateral relations between the RMAF and RAAF. Among others are discussions on the improvement of military cooperation such as the conduct of joint training, professional education and military training as well as officer exchange programs. The Chief of Air Force also thanked the RAAF for the training offer and ongoing course opportunities given to the RMAF.
The two leaders also expressed their appreciation for the commitment and understanding that were achieved despite the constraints caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The pendemic did not hinder the relationship between the two countries in terms of strengthening defence cooperation at the regional level.
Kuala Lumpur, 2 Ogos 21- Panglima Tentera Udara, Jeneral Tan Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad TUDM hari ini bersiaran langsung secara maya melalui persidangan video bersama Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld, rakan sejawat beliau dari Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). Persidangan video selama 30 minit ini turut disertai oleh Atase Pertahanan Malaysia di Australia, Kol Nahar Azmin bin Abdul Rahman dan Atase Pertahanan Australia di Malaysia, Group Captain Gretchen Fryar.
Jen Tan Sri Ackbal TUDM di dalam perbualannya menyatakan bahawa TUDM menghargai persahabatan dan kerjasama erat di antara kedua angkatan udara yang sedia terjalin di antara TUDM dan RAAF. TUDM turut komited dalam memberikan sokongan kepada warga RAAF di Pangkalan Udara Butterworth disamping memperkasakan strategi perkongsian berwibawa kedua-dua angkatan.
Kedua-dua pemimpin tertinggi Tentera Udara berkenaan turut membincangkan program kerjasama bagi mengukuhan lagi hubungan bilateral di antara TUDM dan RAAF. Antara lain ialah perbincangan berhubung penambahbaikan kerjasama ketenteraan seperti pelaksanaan latihan bersama, pendidikan professional dan latihan ketenteraan serta program pertukaran pegawai. Panglima Tentera Udara turut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada RAAF di atas tawaran latihan dan peluang kursus yang berterusan diberikan kepada TUDM.
Kedua-dua pemimpin turut merakamkan penghargaan di atas komitmen serta persefahaman yang dapat dicapai walaupun berhadapan dengan kekangan akibat pandemik Covid-19, namun tetap tidak menghalang hubungan dua negara dari aspek pengukuhan kerjasama pertahanan di peringkat serantau.