BUTTERWORTH, 23 October 2021-The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) through the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) today celebrated the 40th anniversary of Operation Gateway (40th OP Gateway) which is a bilateral collaboration between the RMAF and the Royal Australian Air Force ( RAAF).

The main objective of the implementation of Operation Gateway since 1981 is to provide and implement maritime monitoring to safeguard the interests of national defence and this celebration is an important aspect in the bilateral relations between Malaysia and Australia, started since before the second world war again.

The 40th anniversary of OP Gateway was supposed to take place in May 2021 but had to be postponed due to the increase in COVID-19 cases and the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in the country. However, it was successfully carried out on a small scale with compliance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and limited attendance.

The celebration themed “40 YEARS AND STILL GOING STRONG” was held at Hangar 19 RAAF Squadron and was attended by about 50 guests from both the RMAF and RAAF. Butterworth Air Base Commander, Brigadier General Shaiful Azuar bin Ariffin RMAF represented the Chief of Air Force while the Australian Defense Adviser at the Australian Embassy, ​​Captain Gretchen Fryar represented the Commander of the RAAF Air Force in this celebration.

RAAF Air Force Commander, Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld and Air Force Chief, General Tan Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad RMAF did not miss the delivery of the keynote speech which was broadcast virtually and General Tan Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad RMAF welcomed the presence of the RAAF and the Australian Embassy to the Air Base Butterworth in conjunction with this year’s historic celebration to commemorate Operation Gateway.

He also thanked the RAAF and Australia for the relationship established since 1958 as well as cooperation through the Five Power Defence Agreement (FPDA) which celebrated its 50th Anniversary recently. He also recalled the history of cooperation between the two air forces in various joint assignments including joint exercises, joint operations and various aspects in the country’s airspace defense.

In addition, Tan Sri also took this opportunity to express its special thanks and appreciation to Flight Lieutenant A. Steff RAAF, Commander of RAAF P-3C Orion aircraft and crew involved in the search and rescue mission of the Malaysian tanker hijacking incident, MT Orkim Harmony on 2015. The RAAF’s P-3C Orion aircraft detected the tanker and led to the successful rescue of the tanker, including its crew.

Butterworth Air Base Commander, Brigadier General Shaiful Azuar bin Ariffin RMAF in his speech also expressed his appreciation for the selection of Butterworth Air Base as the location for the historic celebration of 40 years of OP Gateway coordinated with the Operations and Strategy Division, Air Force Headquarters as the organizer.

Also present were Miss Hannah Birdsey, Deputy Head of Mission of the Australian Embassy; Lieutenant Colonel Van Der Peer, Commanding Officer 2/30th Training Group; Wing Commander Darren, Commanding Officer of 19 RAAF Squadron; Squadron Leader Benn Carroll, Commanding Officer 92 Wing Alpha Detachment; officers and staff of the Australian Embassy and OP Gateway crew while on behalf of the Malaysian Army (TDM) is the Commander of 6th Brigade, Brigadier General Mohd Akib bin Hj Yusof and on behalf of the RMAF is the Commanding Officer and Executives of Butterworth Air Base; OP Gateway Committee as well as Butterworth Air Base officers and members.

Source from:
Public Relations Division, Air Force Headquarters

BUTTERWORTH, 23 Oktober 2021 – Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) menerusi Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) pada hari ini telah menyambut ulang tahun Ke-40 Operasi Gateway (40th OP Gateway) yang merupakan kerjasama bilateral di antara TUDM dengan Tentera Udara Diraja Australia (RAAF).

40th anniversary of Operation Gateway

Objektif utama pelaksanaan Operasi Gateway sejak 1981 adalah menyediakan serta melaksanakan pemantauan maritim bagi menjaga kepentingan pertahanan negara dan sambutan kali ini merupakan sebagai satu aspek penting di dalam hubungan dua hala (bilateral) di antara Malaysia dan Australia yang terjalin malahan kewujudan RAAF khususnya di Malaysia telah lama bermula sejak sebelum perang dunia kedua lagi.

Sambutan 40 tahun OP Gateway tersebut sepatutnya dijadualkan berlangsung pada Mei 2021 yang lalu namun terpaksa ditunda berikutan peningkatan kes COVID-19 serta pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) di negara ini. Namun berjaya direalisasikan dengan skala kecil dengan pematuhan Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) serta kehadiran yang terhad.
Sambutan bertemakan “40 YEARS AND STILL GOING STRONG” telah dilaksanakan di Hangar 19 Skuadron RAAF dan di hadiri kira-kira 50 orang jemputan daripada kedua-dua pihak TUDM dan RAAF. Komander Pangkalan Udara Butterworth, Brigedier Jeneral Shaiful Azuar bin Ariffin TUDM telah mewakili Panglima Tentera Udara manakala Penasihat Pertahanan Australia di Kedutaan Australia, Captain Gretchen Fryar telah mewakili Panglima Tentera Udara RAAF dalam sambutan ini.

Panglima Tentera Udara RAAF, Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld dan Panglima Tentera Udara (PTU), Jeneral Tan Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad TUDM turut tidak ketinggalan untuk menyampaikan ucaptama yang disiarkan secara virtual dan PTU mengalu-alukan kehadiran pihak RAAF dan Kedutaan Australia ke Pangkalan Udara Butterworth sempena sambutan bersejarah tahun ini bagi memperingati Operasi Gateway.

Beliau turut merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak RAAF dan Australia di atas hubungan yang terjalin sejak tahun 1958 disamping kerjasama melalui Perjanjian Pertahanan Lima Negara (FPDA) yang menyambut Ulang Tahun ke-50 baru-baru ini. Beliau turut mengimau sejarah kerjasama di antara kedua angkatan udara ini dalam pelbagai penugasan secara bersama termasuk latihan gabungan, operasi bersama dan pelbagai aspek dalam pertahanan ruang udara negara.

Disamping itu, PTU turut mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan khusus kepada Flight Lieutenant A. Steff RAAF, Komander pesawat P-3C Orion RAAF serta kru yang terlibat dalam misi mencari dan menyelamat insiden rampasan kapal tangki Malaysia, MT Orkim Harmony pada tahun 2015. Pesawat P-3C Orion milik RAAF berkenaan telah mengesan kapal tangki tersebut dan membawa kepada kejayaan menyelamatkan kembali kapal tangki berkenaan termasuk anak kapalnya.

Komander Pangkalan Udara Butterworth , Brigedier Jeneral Shaiful Azuar bin Ariffin TUDM dalam ucapannya turut merakamkan penghargaan di atas pemilihan Pangkalan Udara Butterworth sebagai lokasi sambutan bersejarah 40 tahun OP Gateway yang dikoordinasikan bersama Bahagian Operasi dan Strategi, Markas Tentera Udara selaku penganjur.

Turut hadir ialah Miss Hannah Birdsey, Timbalan Ketua Misi Kedutaan Australia; Leftenan Kolonel Van Der Peer, Pegawai Memerintah 2/30th Training Group; Wing Commander Darren, Pegawai Memerintah 19 Skuadron RAAF; Squadron Leader Benn Carroll, Pegawai Memerintah 92 Wing Detasmen Alpha; pegawai dan staf Kedutaan Australia serta kru OP Gateway manakala di pihak Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) ialah Panglima 6 Briged, Brigedier Jeneral Mohd Akib bin Hj Yusof dan di pihak TUDM ialah Pegawai Memerintah dan Eksekutif Pangkalan Udara Butterworth; Jawatankuasa OP Gateway serta pegawai dan anggota PU Butterworth.

Sumber daripada:
Bahagian Perhubungan Awam, Markas Tentera Udara

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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