NEGERI SEMBILAN: A total of 11 officers and 268 other ranks as well as 33 Type A Vehicles (KJA) of various variants were involved in the Closing of the Mechanized Weapons Skills Camp (KKS) Pilot Test (Mech) at the Gemas Target Range from 8 to 22 Nov 2021.

Among the teams involved are the Seventh Battalion of the Royal Ranger Regiment (Mechanize) (7 RRR (Mech)), the 12th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (12 RMR) (Mech), 14 RMR (Mech), 19 RMR (Mech), The First Regiment of the Royal Armor Corps (1 KAD), the Signal Squadron of the Fourth Infantry Brigade (4 SSB) (Mech) and the 11th Squadron of the Royal Engineer Regiment (11 RER Sqn ) (Mech).

The Fixed Procedure (PROTAP) of KKS Mech Bde was established to provide guidelines to all Mech units so that the conduct of KKS Mech Bde to be carried out smoothly and orderly.

The objective of this training is to maintain the level of competence of a team in the offensive and defensive phases as well as to enable KJA crew members to be skilled in handling vehicle weapons while non-crew members are skilled in handling team support weapons in all situations.

In addition, this training can assess the level of effectiveness of members in applying Techniques, Tactics and Procedures (TTP), vehicle field craft, vehicle weapon handling, auxiliary weapons as well as optimizing KKS shooting training by using all facilities available in the complex. shooting range.

Meanwhile, the Commander of the Fourth Malaysian Infantry Brigade (4 Bde) (Mech), Brig Gen Dato’ Zahari Mohd Ariffin had the opportunity to try out the ATGW-LR Bakhtar Shikan weapon, which is a weapon that can be driven with a wire guide method to destroy enemy tanks.

This exercise also supports the First Pillar of the 28th Army Commander’s Supreme Command, namely Mission Continuity and Alertness through a focus on increasing the level of alertness, competence and assets of the Army.

  • Malaysian Fourth Infantry Brigade Headquarters (Mechanized)


NEGERI SEMBILAN: Seramai 11 pegawai dan 268 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) serta 33 buah Kenderaan Jenis A (KJA) pelbagai varians terlibat dalam Penutup Pilot Test Kem Kemahiran Senjata (KKS) Mekanize (Mek) bertempat di Lapang Sasar Gemas mulai 8 hingga 22 Nov 2021.

Antara pasukan yang terlibat terdiri daripada Batalion Ketujuh Rejimen Renjer Diraja (Mekanize) (7 RRD (Mek)), Batalion Ke-12 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (12 RAMD) (Mek), 14 RAMD (Mek), 19 RAMD (Mek), Rejimen Pertama Kor Armor Diraja (1 KAD), Skuadron Semboyan Briged Keempat Infantri (4 SSB) (Mek) dan Skuadron Ke-11 Rejimen Askar Jurutera Diraja (11 Skn RAJD) (Mek).

Prosedur Tetap (PROTAP) KKS Bgd Mek diwujudkan bertujuan memberikan garis panduan kepada semua warga Mek mengenai konsep pelaksanaan KKS Bgd Mek agar dilaksanakan dengan lancar dan teratur.

Objektif latihan ini adalah untuk mengekalkan tahap kompetensi sebuah pasukan dalam fasa ofensif dan defensif serta membolehkan anggota krew KJA mahir dalam pengendalian senjata kenderaan manakala anggota bukan krew pula mahir mengendalikan senjata bantuan pasukan dalam semua keadaan.

Di samping itu, latihan ini dapat menilai tahap keberkesanan anggota dalam mengaplikasi Teknik, Taktik dan Prosedur (TTP), ilmu medan kenderaan (vehicle field craft), pengendalian senjata kenderaan, senjata bantuan serta mengoptimumkan latihan menembak KKS dengan menggunakan segala kemudahan yang ada dalam kompleks lapang sasar.

Sementara itu, Panglima Briged Keempat Infantri Malaysia (4 Bgd) (Mek), Brig Jen Dato’ Zahari Mohd Ariffin berkesempatan mencuba senjata ATGW-LR Bakhtar Shikan iaitu sejenis senjata yang boleh dipandu dengan kaedah panduan wayar untuk memusnahkan kereta kebal musuh.

Latihan ini sekaligus mendukung Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi Dan Kesiagaan melalui penumpuan terhadap peningkatan tahap kesiagaan, kompetensi serta aset Tentera Darat.

  • Markas Briged Keempat Infantri Malaysia (Mekanize)

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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