BANDUNG, 23 June 2022 – The 16th Malaysia Indonesia (MALINDO) High Level Committee (HLC) Meeting was successfully held in Bandung, Indonesia.

The conference this time saw the involvement of the two top leaders from the MAF and TNI who acted as Joint Heads of HLC to discuss several important agendas regarding reporting on the Coordinated Operation Control Committee (COCC), Joint Training Committee (JKLB), Joint Police Cooperation Committee (JPCC), and Working Group/Socio -Economic Working Committee of Malaysia – Indonesia (KK/JKK SOSEK MALINDO). The meeting ended with a session to sign the minutes of the meeting/conference pamphlet by the two leaders which will be taken to a series of further discussions that will be implemented in Malaysia later.

Earlier, the Chief of Defence Force, General Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi bin Buang RMAF also had the opportunity to pay a courtesy call on his counterpart, General Andika Perkasa before chairing the HLC meeting jointly.

Immediately after the MALINDO HLC conference, he continued his official visit agenda by making a visit to PT. Pindad which is a company in the defence product manufacturing industry which is wholly owned by the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this visit is to see for themselves the results and quality of defence products made by the company which not only provides the requirements of the weapons system independently but also performs maintenance work for defence assets for the peace of the Republic of Indonesia.

Also accompanying him during the visit were the TNI Commander, TNI General Andika Perkasa and other Senior Officers from the MAF and TNI.

Source: Malaysian Armed Forces



BANDUNG, 23 Jun 2022 – Mesyuarat High Level Committee (HLC) Malaysia Indonesia (MALINDO) kali ke-16 telah berlangsung dengan jayanya bertempat di Bandung, Indonesia.

Dalam persidangan pada kali ini telah menyaksikan penglibatan kedua-dua pemimpin tertinggi dari ATM dan TNI yang bertindak selaku Ketua Bersama HLC bagi membincangkan beberapa agenda penting berhubung pelaporan berkenaan Coordinated Operation Control Committee (COCC), Jawatan Kuasa Latihan Bersama (JKLB), Joint Police Cooperation Committee (JPCC), dan Kelompok Kerja/Jawatan Kuasa Kerja Sosio Ekonomi Malaysia – Indonesia (KK/JKK SOSEK MALINDO). Mesyuarat diakhiri dengan sesi menandatangani minit mesyuarat/risalah sidang oleh kedua-dua pemimpin tersebut yang akan dibawa ke siri perbincangan selanjutnya yang akan dilaksanakan di Malaysia kelak.

Terdahulu, Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi bin Buang TUDM turut berkesempatan melakukan kunjungan hormat ke atas rakan sejawat beliau iaitu Jenderal Andika Perkasa sebelum mempengerusikan mesyuarat HLC tersebut secara bersama.

Sejurus selesai persidangan HLC MALINDO tersebut, beliau meneruskan agenda lawatan rasminya dengan membuat lawatan ke PT. Pindad yang merupakan sebuah perusahaan dalam industri pembuatan produk pertahanan yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Negara Republik Indonesia. Lawatan ini bertujuan untuk melihat sendiri hasil dan kualiti produk pertahanan yang dilakukan oleh syarikat tersebut yang bukan sahaja menyediakan keperluan sistem persenjataan secara mandiri bahkan melakukan kerja penyelenggaraan bagi aset pertahanan demi keamanan Negara Republik Indonesia.

Turut sama mengiringi beliau semasa lawatan tersebut adalah Panglima TNI, Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa dan Pegawai-pegawai Kanan dari ATM dan TNI yang lain.

Sumber : Angkatan Tentera Malaysia

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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