KUANTAN, 16 August 22 – Exercise Udara Shakti Air 2022 (US 22) has drawn its curtain today. The exercise, which lasted for four (4) days, started from 13 to 16 August 2022 at the Kuantan Air Base. The US 22 exercise is a recorded history for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) and the Indian Air Force (IAF) because this exercise was held for the first time. The conduct of this joint exercise is aimed at strengthening the professional relationship between the RMAF and the IAF through ‘Field Training Exercises’ (FTX) and ‘Subject Matter Expert Exchange’ (SMEE).

Overall, this exercise involved a total of 200 participants from the RMAF and the IAF as well as four (4) Sukhoi-30MKI aircraft and two (2) C17 aircraft belonging to the IAF while four (4) Sukhoi-30MKM aircraft and one (1) aircraft A400M belonging to RMAF.

Also filling the program in this exercise is ‘Civil-Military Co-operation’ (CIMIC) which involves the local community, the students of the Kuantan Military Base National School have been selected. The students were given a motivational briefing delivered by RMAF Lt Col Goh Keng Loon. In fact, the students of SK Pengkalan Tentera Kuantan were also given the opportunity to see in front of their eyes the aircraft belonging to the RMAF and the IAF such as the Sukhoi-30MKM aircraft, the Sukhoi-30MKI aircraft and the C17 aircraft as an exposure to them in addition to injecting the spirit of patriotism and as motivation for them.

On this last day, the Exercise Udara Shakti 22 Closing Ceremony was officiated by the Exercise Director, Col. Razali bin Ahmad Jumali RMAF. Also present at this closing ceremony were Acting Base Commander, Col. Zulkefli bin Hj Samsu Hadi RMAF; Commanding Officer No 12 Skn, Lt Col Mohd Noraihan bin Abdul Karim RMAF and Base Executive Officer.

Meanwhile, the closing speech was delivered by the IAF Team Leader, Group Captain Yeshpal Singh Negi. He has expressed his admiration for the high level of professionalism shown by the RMAF officers in Operations and Exercise Management, and all of this has become his “key takeaway” when he returns to his country as an added value for the implementation of joint operations and exercises later.

At this closing ceremony as well, the Director of Exercises also delivered a speech of appreciation and congratulations to all RMAF and IAF participants in carrying out the preparations and implementation of the planned exercises. He also hoped that the cooperative relationship between the RMAF and the IAF would always be at a good level and maintained. The four days of Ex US 22 RMAF and IAF have actually been utilized by both air forces.

The sharing of knowledge and experience gained is a valuable value for all participants. At the end of his speech, he also hoped that all the exercise participants, especially the IAF, would always be in good health and safely reach the next destination for the planned exercise and return safely to India.



KUANTAN, 16 Ogos 22 – Eksesais Udara Shakti 2022 (US 22) telah melabuhkan tirainya hari ini. Eksesais yang berlangsung selama empat (4) hari, telah bermula sejak 13 hingga 16 Ogos 2022 bertempat di Pangkalan Udara Kuantan. Eksesais US 22 merupakan sejarah yang terakam buat Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) dan Indian Air Force (IAF) kerana pelaksanaan eksesais ini merupakan julung kalinya diadakan. Pelaksanaan eksesais bersama ini adalah bertujuan bagi mengukuhkan hubungan profesional di antara TUDM dan IAF melalui latihan ‘Field Training Exercises’ (FTX) serta ‘Subject Matter Expert Exchange’ (SMEE).

Secara keseluruhan, eksesais ini melibatkan seramai 200 orang peserta daripada TUDM dan IAF serta empat (4) buah pesawat Sukhoi-30MKI dan dua (2) buah pesawat C17 milik IAF manakala empat (4) buah pesawat Sukhoi-30MKM dan sebuah (1) pesawat A400M milik TUDM.

Turut mengisi program di dalam eksesais ini adalah ‘Civil-Military Co-operation’ (CIMIC) yang melibatkan komuniti tempatan iaitu pelajar Sekolah Kebangsaan Pengkalan Tentera Kuantan telah dipilih. Para pelajar telah diberikan taklimat motivasi yang disampaikan oleh Lt Kol Goh Keng Loon TUDM. Malah para pelajar SK Pengkalan Tentera Kuantan juga diberi peluang melihat di hadapan mata iaitu pesawat-pesawat milik TUDM dan IAF seperti pesawat Sukhoi-30MKM, pesawat Sukhoi-30MKI serta pesawat C17 sebagai pendedahan kepada mereka di samping menyuntik semangat patriotisme dan sebagai motivasi kepada mereka.

Pada hari terakhir ini, Majlis Penutup Eksesais Udara Shakti 22 telah disempurnakan oleh Pengarah Eksesais, Kol Razali bin Ahmad Jumali TUDM. Turut hadir di majlis penutup ini adalah Pemangku Komander Pangkalan, Kol Zulkefli bin Hj Samsu Hadi TUDM; Pegawai Memerintah No 12 Skn, Lt Kol Mohd Noraihan bin Abdul Karim TUDM serta Pegawai Eksekutif Pangkalan.

Dalam pada itu ucapan penutup telah disampaikan oleh Team Leader IAF, Group Captain Yeshpal Singh Negi. Beliau telah menyatakan kekaguman terhadap tahap profesional yang tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh para perwira TUDM terhadap Operasi dan Pengurusan Eksesais, dan semua ini telah menjadi “key takeaway” beliau apabila kembali ke negara beliau sebagai suatu tambah nilai untuk pelaksanaan operasi dan eksesais bersama kelak.

Di majlis penutup ini juga, Pengarah Eksesais turut menyampaikan ucapan penghargaan dan tahniah buat semua peserta TUDM dan IAF dalam melaksanakan persiapan serta pelaksanaan eksesais yang dirancang. Beliau juga berharap agar hubungan kerjasama di antara TUDM dan IAF sentiasa berada di tahap yang baik dan dikekalkan. Empat hari Eks US 22 TUDM dan IAF sesungguhnya telah dimanfaatkan oleh kedua-dua angkatan udara. Perkongsian ilmu serta pengalaman yang dikaut adalah nilai yang berharga kepada semua peserta. Di akhir ucapannya, beliau turut berharap agar semua peserta eksesais khususnya IAF sentiasa dalam kesihatan yang baik serta selamat sampai ke destinasi seterusnya bagi Eksesais yang telah dirancang dan selamat pulang ke India.







Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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