MELAKA: A total of 18 officers and 200 Other Ranks were involved in the Change of Command Parade for the Commander, Third Malaysian Infantry Division (3 Div), Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim, at Dataran Hasbullah, 3 Div Headquarters on 23 August 2022.

The parade, led by the Commanding Officer of the 10th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (10 RAR), Lt Col Muhammad Ikhwan Hussin, involved five contingents from all formations under the auspices of 3 Div.

The signing of the Handover Note and the handing over of the Command Stick between Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim and Maj Gen Rashidin Hashimi Ab Rashid was witnessed by the Commander of Army’s Western Field Command (PMB TD), Lt Gen Datuk Muhammad Hafizuddeain Jantan.

Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim has served as the 25th Commander of the 3rd Div for three years starting on 25 July 2019. He serves as the Army Training Commander effective on 11 August 22.

After the parade, the ceremony continued with a meal with the former 3 Div Commander at Dewan Dato’ Abdullah Ghani before ending with the Street Lining event as a final tribute.

This regimental parade event is in line with the Second Pillar of the 28th Army Commander’s Supreme Order which is Strengthening Organizational Integrity.

Also present, the Commander of the First Malaysian Infantry Brigade (1 Bde) and the 3Div Artillery Commander Div.

  • Headquarters of the Third Malaysian Infantry Division


MELAKA: Seramai 18 pegawai dan 200 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) terlibat dalam Perbarisan Serah Terima Tugas Panglima Divisyen Ketiga Infantri Malaysia (3 Div) di Dataran Hasbullah, Markas 3 Div pada 23 Ogos 2022.

Perbarisan yang diketuai oleh Pegawai Memerintah Batalion Ke-10 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (10 RAMD), Lt Kol Muhammad Ikhwan Hussin melibatkan lima kontinjen daripada semua formasi di bawah naungan 3 Div.

Acara menandatangani Nota Serah Terima Tugas dan penyerahan Tongkat Kuasa di antara Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim dengan Mej Jen Rashidin Hashimi Ab Rashid disaksikan oleh Panglima Medan Barat Tentera Darat (PMB TD), Lt Jen Datuk Muhammad Hafizuddeain Jantan.

Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim telah menjawat jawatan sebagai Panglima 3 Div Ke-25 selama tiga tahun bermula pada 25 Jul 2019. Beliau seterusnya menjawat jawatan sebagai Panglima Latihan Tentera Darat berkuatkuasa pada 11 Ogos 22.

Selesai perbarisan, majlis diteruskan dengan jamuan makan bersama mantan Panglima 3 Div di Dewan Dato’ Abdullah Ghani sebelum diakhiri dengan acara Street Lining sebagai penghormatan terakhir.

Acara perbarisan rejimental ini adalah selari dengan Tonggak Kedua Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Memperkasakan Keutuhan Organisasi

Turut hadir, Panglima Briged Pertama Infantri Malaysia (1 Bgd) dan Komander Artileri Div 3 Div.

  • Markas Divisyen Ketiga Infantri Malaysia

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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