BATANG KALI, 17 December 2022 – The Army Western Field Commander, Lt Gen Datuk Muhammad Hafizuddeain bin Jantan accompanied by the Commander of the Fourth Malaysian Infantry Division (4 Div), Maj Gen Dato’ Haji Ya’cob bin Haji Samiran and the Commander of the 11th Infantry Brigade Malaysia (11 Bde), Brig Gen Haji Fazal bin Haji Abdul Rahman have gone down to the landslide site near Father’s Organic Farm campsite, Gohtong Jaya, Batang Kali.

One of the main causes of landslide is believed to be due to the soil being saturated with moisture due to continuous rain over the past few days. A total of 1 officer and 30 members from the 25th Royal Malay Regiment (25 RMR) were mobilized every 6 hours at the scene of the incident in an effort to search and rescue landslide victims.

Agencies under the Hulu Selangor District Disaster Management Committee such as BOMBA, RELA and RMP have together with MAF acted quickly in helping to find and rescue landslide victims.

In fact, in the current uncertain weather conditions, the Army Western Field Command reminds the public to always be aware of the surrounding situation and to listen to the advice of the authorities to avoid unwanted incidents from happening again.


BATANG KALI, 17 Disember 2022 – Panglima Medan Barat Tentera Darat, Lt Jen Datuk Muhammad Hafizuddeain bin Jantan diiringi oleh Panglima Divisyen Keempat Infantri Malaysia (4 Div), Mej Jen Dato’ Haji Ya’cob bin Haji Samiran dan Panglima Briged Ke-11 Infantri Malaysia (11 Bgd), Brig Jen Haji Fazal bin Haji Abdul Rahman telah turun ke lokasi tanah runtuh di berhampiran tapak perkhemahan Father’s Organic Farm, Gohtong Jaya, Batang Kali.

Antara punca utama berlakunya insiden tanah runtuh dipercayai akibat tanih yang tertepu dengan kelembapan akibat hujan berterusan sejak beberapa hari yang lepas. Seramai 1 pegawai dan 30 orang anggota daripada pasukan Rejimen Ke-25 Askar Melayu Diraja (25 RAMD) telah diaturgerakan setiap 6 jam di lokasi kejadian dalam usaha mencari dan menyelamat mangsa tanah runtuh.

Agensi-agensi dibawah Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bencana Daerah Hulu Selangor seperti BOMBA, RELA dan PDRM telah bersama-sama ATM bertindak pantas dalam membantu usaha mencari dan menyelamat mangsa tanah runtuh.

Sesungguhnya dalam keadaan cuaca yang tidak menentu sekarang, Pemerintahan Medan Barat Tentera Darat sentiasa menyeru kepada orang awam agar sentiasa peka akan keadaaan sekeliling serta mendengar nasihat daripada pihak berkuasa bagi mengelak kejadian yang tidak diingini berulang.




Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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