27 July 2023 – Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) made another history with the handing over ceremony of the 7th UPNM Vice Chancellor.

The event, which was full of excitement, witnessed the change of leadership of UPNM between YBhg Lt Gen Datuk Hasagaya bin Abdullah and YBhg Lt Gen Datuk Mardzuki bin Muhammad. The ceremony, which was held in the Senate Meeting Room, Chancellery Building, was witnessed by YBhg Tan Sri (Dr) Syed Azman Syed Ibrahim, Chairman of the University’s Board of Directors.

Lt Gen Datuk Mardzuki bin Muhammad takes over as 7th UPNM Vice Chancellor from Lt Gen Datuk Hasagaya bin Abdullah.

This change of Vice Chancellor continues from YBhg Lt Gen Datuk Hasagaya bin Abdullah, the former 6th Vice Chancellor who will retire and finish his service. Before taking over as the 7th Vice Chancellor, YBhg Lt Gen Datuk Mardzuki bin Muhammad was the Eastern Field Commander of the 5th Army based at Muara Tuang Camp, Sarawak.

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The recognition of the Ministry of Higher Education for his credibility and excellence, he was subsequently approved and appointed as the Vice Chancellor of UPNM to lead the top leadership of UPNM in strengthening the comprehensive learning system and defense-oriented training as the main pillar in UPNM’s education to produce quality graduates.

YBhg Lt Gen Datuk Mardzuki bin Muhammad in his speech has expressed his unwavering commitment to drive UPNM in increasing UPNM’s excellence in line with the Ministry of Higher Education’s wishes. In the event, YBhg Lt Gen Datuk Mardzuki bin Muhammad was also introduced to the Top Management and UPNM staff. Also present at the ceremony were Members of the University Board of Directors, UPNM Top Management and UPNM Senior Officers.

All UPNM citizens take this opportunity to express their highest appreciation and congratulations on this appointment.


Credit Source UPNM


27 Julai 2023 – Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) melakarkan satu lagi sejarah dengan terlaksananya Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Naib Canselor UPNM Ke-7.

Majlis yang penuh dengan gilang gemilang ini telah menyaksikan pertukaran tampuk kepimpinan UPNM di antara YBhg Lt Jen Datuk Hasagaya bin Abdullah dan YBhg Lt Jen Datuk Mardzuki bin Muhammad. Majlis tersebut yang diadakan di Bilik Mesyuarat Senat, Bangunan Canselori telah disaksikan oleh YBhg Tan Sri (Dr) Syed Azman Syed Ibrahim, Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah Universiti.

Pertukaran Naib Canselor ini berlanjutan daripada YBhg Lt Jen Datuk Hasagaya bin Abdullah, mantan Naib Canselor Ke-6 yang akan bersara dan menamatkan perkhidmatannya. Sebelum mengambil alih sebagai Naib Canselor Ke-7, YBhg Lt Jen Datuk Mardzuki bin Muhammad merupakan Panglima Medan Timur Tentera Darat Ke-5 yang berpangkalan di Kem Muara Tuang, Sarawak.

Pengiktirafan Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi di atas kredibiliti dan kecemerlangan beliau, seterusnya telah diperkenan dan dilantik sebagai Naib Canselor UPNM bagi meneraju tampuk kepimpinan tertinggi UPNM dalam memperkasa sistem pembelajaran yang komprehensif dan latihan yang berorientasikan pertahanan sebagai tunjang utama dalam pendidikan UPNM melahirkan graduan yang berkualiti.

YBhg Lt Jen Datuk Mardzuki bin Muhammad di dalam ucapannya telah menyatakan komitmennya yang tidak berbelah bahagi untuk memacu UPNM dalam meningkatkan lagi kecemerlangan UPNM seiring dengan hasrat Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi. Di dalam majlis tersebut, YBhg Lt Jen Datuk Mardzuki bin Muhammad juga telah diperkenalkan kepada barisan Pengurusan Tertinggi dan staf UPNM. Turut hadir dalam majlis adalah Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Universiti, Pengurusan Tertinggi UPNM dan Pegawai-pegawai Kanan UPNM.

Seluruh warga UPNM mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menzahirkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ucapan tahniah di atas pelantikan ini.

Sumber Kredit UPNM

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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