LUMUT, 13 Sep 23 – The delegation of Goh Keng Swee Command and Staff College Singapore (GKS SCS), Singapore had the pleasure of visiting the RMN Lumut Base today. This visit is in conjunction with a study visit to Malaysia in addition to strengthening defense diplomatic cooperation.
Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations Division (N3) of the Western Fleet Command Headquarters, Captain Saharudin bin Bongsu TLDM welcomed the arrival of the delegation at the Lumut Naval Base (TPL). This delegation was led by Colonel Goh Wee Tiong, Commandant of GKS CSC which consisted of 102 military officers including faculty members, staff and students of Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) courses and friendly countries.
This short but packed visit was made to the ships and units around the base including KD Jebat and the KD SRI INDERA SAKTI 1503 to see the operation of the ship and both sides took the opportunity to interact on various topics, including maritime security, joint operations and regional defense strategy. The delegation then visited the Diving and Mine Warfare Headquarters (MkSPPA) to witness a demonstration performance and see the level of competence and preparedness of the divers before leaving for Pinang Island to continue with the next destination of the visit.
Hopefully this visit will be the best platform for the exchange of ideas, fostering friendship and mutual understanding between the two countries. The joint efforts and sharing of experiences during this visit will surely leave a lasting impression on the participants and form the basis for future defense cooperation.
#Defense Diplomacy
LUMUT, 13 Sep 23 – Delegasi Goh Keng Swee Command and Staff College Singapore (GKS SCS), Singapura telah berbesar hati melaksanakan lawatan di Pangkalan TLDM Lumut hari ini. Lawatan ini bersempena dengan lawatan sambil belajar ke Malaysia selain memperkasakan kerjasama diplomatik pertahanan.
Asisten Ketua Staf, Bahagian Operasi (N3) Markas Pemerintahan Armada Barat, Kepten Saharudin bin Bongsu TLDM telah menyambut ketibaan delegasi di Tambatan Pangkalan Lumut (TPL). Delegasi ini telah diketuai oleh Colonel Goh Wee Tiong, Commandant GKS CSC yang terdiri daripada 102 orang pegawai tentera yang merangkumi faculty members, staf dan penuntut kursus Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) dan negara-negara sahabat.
Lawatan yang singkat namun padat ini dimanafaatkan dengan lawatan ke kapal-kapal dan unit sekitar pangkalan antaranya KD Jebat dan Kapal Diraja SRI INDERA SAKTI 1503 bagi melihat pengoperasian kapal selain kedua-dua pihak mengambil peluang untuk berinteraksi mengenai pelbagai topik, termasuk keselamatan maritim, operasi bersama dan strategi pertahanan serantau. Delegasi seterusnya berkunjung ke Markas Selam dan Peperangan Periuk Api (MkSPPA) bagi menyaksikan persembahan demontrasi dan melihat tahap kompetensi serta kesiapsiagaan penyelam sebelum berangkat ke pulau pinang bagi meneruskan destinasi lawatan yang seterusnya.
Semoga lawatan ini menjadi platform yang terbaik untuk pertukaran idea, memupuk talian persahabatan dan persefahaman bersama kedua-dua negara. Usaha sama dan perkongsian pengalaman semasa lawatan ini pasti akan meninggalkan kesan yang berkekalan kepada para peserta dan menjadi asas untuk kerjasama pertahanan masa hadapan.