MEDAN, 3 Nov 23 – A Coordination Meeting for the Joint Coordinated Air Patrol Malaysia Indonesia or PATKOR MALINDO Series 2/23 between the RMAF and the Indonesian National Military – Air Force (TNI-AU) was held at the Command Headquarters Sector 1 (Kosek 1) in Medan, Indonesia from 1 to 3 Nov 23. The RMAF delegation consisted of 7 participants at the Headquarters and Unit level, led by the Air Operations Staff Officer 1 MPOU, Lt Col Ramlan bin Mohd Yunus RMAF.

Also involved in this meeting were the RMAF Liaison Officer in Medan, Major Hisham Arizal bin Muhammad RMAF, and the Assistant Defence Advisor at the Embassy of Malaysia in Jakarta, Lt Col Aznan bin Alias RMAF, who attended as a Guest Officer. Kosek 1 welcomed the arrival of the RMAF delegation in Medan and expressed appreciation to the RMAF organization that coordinated this meeting for the successful execution of Joint Air Patrol operations or air maritime patrols.

Both the RMAF and TNI-AU welcomed the decision to hold face-to-face meetings, which are seen as more effective and efficient, after they had been conducted via video conferences since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is hoped that these face-to-face meetings can further foster the close existing relationships and contribute to a mutual understanding between the RMAF and the TNI-AU, as well as in defence diplomacy relationships.

Previously, the RMAF delegation paid a Courtesy Call on the Consul General of Malaysia at the Consulate General of Malaysia in Medan, Mr. Aiyub bin Omar. This Courtesy Call was to acknowledge his role in leading the Malaysian Government agency in North Sumatra. Mr. Aiyub bin Omar expressed his gratitude for the Courtesy Call by the RMAF delegation and hoped for the continued safety of the airspace over the Malacca Strait with the presence of this Joint Air Patrol operation.


MEDAN, 3 Nov 23 – Satu Mesyuarat Koordinasi bagi Patroli Udara Bersama Terkoordinasi Malaysia Indonesia atau PATKOR MALINDO Siri 2/23 di antara TUDM dan Tentera Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU) telah dilaksanakan di Markas Komando Sektor 1 (Kosek 1) Medan Indonesia bermula pada 1 hingga 3 Nov 23. Delegasi TUDM terdiri daripada 7 peserta di peringkat Markas dan Unit yang diketuai oleh Pegawai Staf 1 Operasi Udara MPOU, Lt Kol Ramlan bin Mohd Yunus TUDM.

Turut terlibat di dalam Mesyuarat ini ialah Pegawai Perhubungan TUDM – Medan iaitu Mej Hisham Arizal bin Muhammad TUDM manakala Penolong Penasihat Pertahanan di Kedutaan Besar Malaysia Jakarta, Lt Kol Aznan bin Alias TUDM hadir sebagai Pegawai Jemputan. Kosek 1 telah mengalu-alukan kedatangan delegasi TUDM ke Medan dan merakamkan ucapan penghargaan kepada organisasi TUDM yang menyelaraskan mesyuarat ini agar operasi Patroli Udara Bersama atau rondaan maritim udara
dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya.

TUDM dan TNI-AU menyambut baik keputusan untuk mengadakan mesyuarat secara bersemuka yang dilihat lebih efektif dan efisien setelah ianya hanya dilaksanakan secara persidangan video semenjak pandemik Covid-19 bermula. Mesyuarat secara bersemuka ini diharap dapat memupuk hubungan silaturahim yang sedia terjalin erat selama ini dapat diteruskan demi persefahaman yang baik di antara TUDM dengan TNI-AU dan hubungan diplomasi pertahanan.

Terdahulu, delegasi TUDM telah melaksanakan Kunjungan Hormat ke atas Konsul Jeneral Malaysia di Konsulat Jeneral Malaysia Medan iaitu Encik Aiyub bin Omar. Kunjungan Hormat ini sebagai menyantuni peranan beliau yang menerajui agensi Kerajaan Malaysia yang berada di Sumatera Utara. Encik Aiyub bin Omar merakamkan ucapan terima kasih di atas Kunjungan Hormat dari delegasi TUDM dan berharap keselamatan di sepanjang ruang udara Selat Melaka sentiasa terpelihara dengan adanya operasi Patroli Udara Bersama ini.







Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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