SINGAPORE, February 2024 – Air Force Chief, General Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan RMAF, accompanied by the Commanders of Butterworth Air Base, Kuantan Air Base, and Kuching Air Base, attended the Singapore Air Show held from 19 to 22 February 2024, at Changi Exhibition Centre.

The opening of the Singapore Air Show 2024 was officiated by Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, Mr Heng Swee Keat, on 20 February 2024. During this visit, the Chief of Air Force had the opportunity to hold meetings with strategic defence partners to strengthen existing cooperation. On the first day of the visit, he paid a courtesy call to the Vice Chief of Staff of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, Lieutenant General Ogasawara Takuto; Chief of Air Force of the Republic of Singapore Air Force, Major General Kelvin Khong, and Air Commander of Australia, Air Vice-Marshal Glen Braz.

On the second day of the visit, the Air Force Commander continued the courtesy calls with defense partners, including PACAF Commander, Gen Kevin B. Schneider; Head of International Relations of the French Air and Space Force, Brig Gen Hugues Pichevin, and Director Capability & Programmes of the Royal Air Force United Kingdom, Air Vice-Marshal Lincoln Taylor.

As part of the visit, the Air Force Commander also had the opportunity to visit exhibition booths to witness the latest defence technologies, especially from defense industry players such as Collins Aerospace, Plexsys, Thales, TRD System (Singapore), PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Electronica, Leonardo, Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), Lockheed Martin, and Embraer.

The Singapore Air Show 2024 also featured the participation of the Su-30MKM aircraft from No 12 Squadron RMAF in the static exhibition. The Chief of Air Force took the time to meet and express gratitude to all the crew members of No 12 Squadron who contributed to the success of the exhibition. Malaysia’s participation in such international exhibitions demonstrates the strong cooperation and support for the regional defence industry, especially between Malaysia and Singapore.


SINGAPURA, Februari 2024 – Panglima Tentera Udara, Jen Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan TUDM diiringi Komander Pangkalan Butterworth, Brig Jen Khairol Muzambi bin Salehin TUDM; Komander Pangkalan Udara Kuantan, Brig Jen Wan Azwan Azwari bin Wan Ali dan Komander Pangkalan Udara Kuching, Kol Baharin bin Mohamad TUDM telah menghadiri Singapore Air Show yang berlangsung pada 19 hingga 22 Feb 24 di Changi Exhibition Centre.

Perasmian Singapore Air Show 2024 telah di sempurnakan oleh Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, Mr Heng Swee Keat pada 20 Feb 24. Di dalam rangka lawatan kali ini Panglima Tentera Udara turut berkesempatan mengadakan pertemuan bersama rakan-rakan pertahanan strategik di dalam mengukuhkan hubungan kerjasama yang sedia terjalin. Pada hari pertama lawatan, beliau telah mengadakan kunjungan hormat kepada Vice Chief of Staff Japan Air Self-Defense Force, Lieutenant General Ogasawara Takuto; Chief of Air Force Republic of Singapore Air Force, Major General Kelvin Khong dan Air Commander Australia, Air Vice-Marshal Glen Braz.

Pada hari kedua lawatan, Panglima Tentera Udara meneruskan sesi kunjungan hormat kepada rakan-rakan pertahanan antaranya PACAF Commander, Gen Kevin B. Schneider; Head of International Relations of the French Air and Space Force, Brig Gen Hugues Pichevin dan Director Capability & Programmes, Royal Air Force United Kingdom, Air Vice-Marshal Lincoln Taylor.

Dalam rangka lawatan ini juga Panglima Tentera Udara turut berpeluang mengunjungi ruang pempamer bagi melihat sendiri teknologi-teknologi pertahanan terkini khususnya dari pemain-pemain industri pertahanan seperti Collins Aerospace, Plexsys, Thales, TRD System (Singapura), PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Electronica, Leonardo, Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), Lockheed Martin dan Embraer.

Singapore Air Show 2024 ini turut menyaksikan penglibatan pesawat Su-30MKM daripada No 12 Skuadron TUDM dalam acara pameran statik. Panglima Tentera Udara turut meluangkan masa bertemu dan mezahirkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua krew detasemen No 12 Skuadron yang menjayakan acara pameran. Penyertaan TUDM di pameran antarabangsa sebegini membuktikan jalinan kerjasama yang baik dan sokongan terhadap industri pertahanan serantau khususnya di antara Malaysia dan Singapura.




Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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