MELAKA: The Commander of the 10th Brigade (Para), Brig Gen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal officiated the opening of the Para Challenge Competition at the Football Field of the 17th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (17 RMR) (Para) on 10 Dec 2021.
The competition starts from 13 to 17 Dec 2021 around Melaka, Johor and Negeri Sembilan with a focus on eight main disciplines namely Gunung Ledang Climbing, Tactical Navigation 20 km, Force March 40 km, Tactical River Crossing, Leadership Test (Quick Decision Exercise) , Combat Stretcher Run, Tacthlon and Combat Shooting.
The main objective of the competition is to instill the highest level of fighting spirit to achieve a mission among Para personnel, as well as test leadership at every level, physical and mental endurance, knowledge and warfare skills, increase competitiveness and strengthen the esprit de corps of airborne brotherhood when dealing with stress.
In addition, it aims to cultivate the spirit of not giving up by forming Para citizens who are “decisive, tough, bold and robust …. with brain”.
On the same occasion, Under Armor Tactical Combat Dress (UTAC) was also handed over to all participants to be used throughout the competition as a pilot test in terms of suitability and usability of the UTAC.
This competition is in line with the First, Second and Third Pillars of the 28th Army Chief’s Supreme Order, namely Mission Continuity and Vigilance, Strengthening Organizational Integrity and Preserving the Well-Being of Citizens.
Also present, Chief of General Staff of HQ 10 Bde (Para), commanders and units under the auspices of 10 Bde(Para).
- 10 Brigade Headquarters (Para)
MELAKA: Panglima Briged Ke-10 (Para), Brig Jen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal merasmikan pembukaan acara Pertandingan Para Challenge di Padang Bola Sepak Batalion Ke-17 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (17 RAMD) (Para) pada 10 Dis 2021.
Pertandingan akan bermula pada 13 hingga 17 Dis 2021 tertumpu di sekitar kawasan Melaka, Johor dan Negeri Sembilan dengan memfokuskan lapan disiplin utama iaitu Gunung Ledang Climbing, Tactical Navigation 20 km, Force March 40 km, Tactical River Crossing, Leadership Test (Quick Decision Exercise), Combat Stretcher Run, Tacthlon dan Combat Shooting.
Objektif utama pertandingan adalah untuk menanamkan semangat pertempuran tahap tertinggi bagi mencapai sesuatu misi dalam kalangan warga Para, serta menguji kepimpinan di setiap peringkat, ketahanan fizikal dan mental, pengetahuan dan skil peperangan, meningkatkan semangat daya saing dan mengeratkan semangat esprit de corps – airborne brotherhood apabila berhadapan dengan tekanan.
Selain itu, ianya bertujuan untuk memupuk semangat tidak menyerah kalah dengan membentuk warga Para yang “decisive, tough, bold and robust…. with brain”.
Di kesempatan yang sama, Under Armour Tactical Combat Dress (UTAC) turut diserahkan kepada semua peserta untuk digunakan sepanjang pertandingan sebagai pilot test dari segi kesesuaian dan kebolehgunaan UTAC berkenaan.
Pertandingan ini sejajar dengan Tonggak Pertama, Kedua dan Ketiga Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan, Memperkasakan Keutuhan Organisasi dan Pelestarian Kesejahteran Warga.
Turut hadir, Ketua Staf Am MK 10 Bgd (Para), Pegawai Memerintah dan Pemerintah di bawah naungan 10 Bgd (Para).
- Markas 10 Briged (Para)