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RMN Western Fleet Conducts Exercise Pangkor War 16/22

The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) continued the conduct of periodic exercises involving the country’s maritime defense assets, namely KD LAKSAMANA HANG NADIM and KD KINABALU together with supporting assets, namely the RMN Fast Combat Boat in the Pangkor War exercise series 16/22 around the waters of the Straits of Melaka on 15 April.

The conduct of this training is seen as a capable and effective medium to train and assess the level of assets and competencies of Navy People in the Western Fleet covering various field disciplines including Marine Science, Navigation and Emergency Training while at sea.

In addition, this Pangkor War Exercise as well
is intended to demonstrate the presence of RMN defense assets in addition
protect maritime interests in the Straits of Melaka.

Through the Pangkor War Exercises which are carried out regularly can
strengthen the competencies of its people as one of the preparatory measures to face large-scale exercises in the future, including bilateral exercises or multilateral exercises with the navies of other countries.

Such training will continue to be intensified in ensuring that the Western Fleet is always on level highest alertness in line with requirements during maritime operations.

Source: Strategic Communications Division of the Western Fleet Command Headquarters


Exercise Pangkor War 16/22
Exercise Pangkor War 16/22

Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) meneruskan pelaksanaan latihan berkala yang melibatkan aset pertahanan maritim negara iaitu KD LAKSAMANA HANG NADIM dan KD KINABALU bersama aset sokongan iaitu Fast Combat Boat TLDM dalam latihan Perang Pangkor siri 16/22 di sekitar perairan Selat Melaka pada 15 April lalu.

Pelaksanaan latihan ini dilihat sebagai sebuah medium yang berupaya dan berkesanuntuk melatih dan menilai tahap keupayaan aset serta kecekapan warga Navy People di Armada Barat meliputi pelbagai disiplin lapangan antaranya Ilmu Kelautan, Navigasi serta Latihan Kecemasan semasa berada di laut.

Selain itu, Latihan Perang Pangkor ini juga
adalah bertujuan untuk memperagakan kehadiran aset pertahanan TLDM disamping melindungi kepentingan maritim di Selat Melaka.

Melalui Latihan Perang Pangkor yang dilaksanakan secara berkala ini dapat memperkasakan kompetensi warganya sebagai salah satu langkah persediaan bagi menghadapi eksesais berskala besar pada masa akan datang meliputi eksesais bilateral mahu pun latihan pelbagai hala bersama angkatan tentera laut negara lain.

Latihan seumpama ini akan terus dipergiatkan pelaksanaan dalam memastikan Armada Barat sentiasa berada pada tahap kesiagaan yang tertinggi selaras dengan keperluan semasa operasi maritim.

Sumber: Bahagian Komunikasi Strategik Markas Pemerintahan Armada Barat
