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Satria Berani and Satria Tangkas 1/2019 Closing Ceremony

SABAH: A total of 24 officers and 347 other ranks from the 5 Brigade (Bde) were involved in Exercise Satria Tangkas (FTX) 1/2019 and the closing ceremony was officiated by Commander 5 Bde BG Muhammad Hafizuddeain Jantan at Kg Brantian on Jul 18, 2019.

This exercise is a continuation of the Satria Berani Exercise (CPX) which assesses the effectiveness of Command and Staff planning before entering the FTX phase.

It also assesses the effectiveness of Doctrine and the ARTEP and the team’s level of readiness.

The Evaluation and After Action Review (AAR) process was implemented after completion of the exercise to identify weaknesses and improvements as a preparatory for future exercises at the Battalion and Bde levels.

Penutup Eksesais Satria Berani dan Satria Tangkas Siri 1/2019

SABAH: Seramai 24 pegawai dan 347 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) daripada pasukan naungan 5 Briged (Bgd) terlibat dalam Eksesais Satria Tangkas (FTX) Siri 1/2019 dan majlis penutup disempurnakan oleh Panglima 5 Bgd Brig Jen Muhammad Hafizuddeain Jantan bertempat di Kg Brantian pada 18 Jul 2019.

Eksesais ini merupakan kesinambungan daripada Eksesais Satria Berani (CPX) yang menilai keberkesanan perancangan Pemerintah dan Staf sebelum memasuki fasa medan.

Selain itu ianya turut menilai keberkesanan Doktrin dan ARTEP serta tahap kesiagaan pasukan.

Proses Evaluasi dan After Action Review (AAR) turut dilaksanakan setelah tamat eksesais bagi mengenalpasti kelemahan dan penambahbaikan di masa hadapan sebagai persediaan kepada eksesais di peringkat Batalion dan Bgd.

Oleh: Lt Safwan Lokman
Gambar: Kpl Zafis Hakimi

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