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30 New RMN Submariners Graduated

KOTA KINABALU, Dec 2 – The Submarine Command Headquarters held the 2022 Submarine Expertise Badge Application Ceremony which was attended by the Chief of Navy, Admiral Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany at the Submarine Command Headquarters, Kota Kinabalu.

The Submarine Expertise Badge Application Ceremony this time saw a total of 30 students from the Level 1 Submarine Qualification Course consisting of 11 officers and 19 other ranks from various trades receive their expertise badges and been awarded the title of RMN submariner. These people have gone through several phases of training and successfully passed all the aspects that were tested.

Since 2011, the Submarine Training Center (PLKS) has been the unit responsible for producing new RMN submariners to ensure that both RMN submarines are staffed with competent and trained crews. To date, a total of 148 RMN personnel have successfully completed the course at PLKS and become RMN submariners. In addition, various qualification and expertise courses to improve the capabilities and skills of RMN submariners are also systematically implemented.

The Navy Chief stressed the challenge of operating obsolete assets and defence budget constraints, indeed affects the readiness and capabilities of the RMN and indirectly risks the safety of the RMN’s own citizens when carrying out assigned assignments. Without appropriate provisions, it can affect the ability to maintain a high level of readiness and act against any threat especially involving national security.

Therefore, the RMN hopes that the new government will be able to adjust the security budget from 1% to 1.5% so that the defence capability can be adapted to the current security landscape scenario. In addition, the addition of assets based on the 15-to-5 plan planned by RMN is expected to be continued by the government, especially in the acquisition of 2 new submarines as well as continuing the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) project and the Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) Second Batch project.

He also expressed his pride and reminded that the level of readiness of submarines and the competence of each RMN submariner is maintained at the highest level at all times. He wants RMN Submarine Force to continue to strive to master the field of subsurface warfare and knowledge related to submarines.

The use of the Submarine Expertise Badge Council has proven the ability of RMN to operate high-tech systems and can save training costs by reducing the dependence of training abroad.

Source: Submarine Command Headquarters

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KOTA KINABALU, 2 Dis – Markas Pemerintahan Kapal Selam telah melaksanakan Majlis Pemakaian Lencana Kepakaran Kapal Selam Tahun 2022 yang telah disempurnakan oleh Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany di Markas Pemerintahan Kapal Selam, Kota Kinabalu.

Majlis Pemakaian Lencana Kepakaran Kapal Selam kali ini menyaksikan seramai 30 penuntut Kursus Kelayakan Kapal Selam tahap 1 yang terdiri daripada 11 orang pegawai dan 19 orang anggota lain-lain pangkat TLDM dari pelbagai tred telah menerima lencana kepakaran mereka dan bergelar submariner TLDM. Mereka ini telah melalui beberapa fasa latihan dan berjaya mengharungi kesemua aspek yang diuji.

Sejak tahun 2011, Pusat Latihan Kapal Selam (PLKS) merupakan unit yang bertanggungjawab untuk melahirkan submariner TLDM baharu bagi memastikan kedua-dua buah kapal selam TLDM dianggotai kru yang kompeten dan terlatih. Sehingga kini seramai 148 warga TLDM telah berjaya mengharungi kursus tersebut di PLKS dan bergelar submariner TLDM. Selain itu, pelbagai kursus kelayakan dan kepakaran bagi meningkatkan keupayaan dan kemahiran submariner TLDM turut dilaksanakan secara sistematik.

Panglima Tentera Laut menegaskan cabaran mengoperasikan aset yang usang dan kekangan bajet pertahanan, ia sememangnya menjejaskan kesiagaan dan kemampuan TLDM dan secara tidak langsung merisikokan keselamatan warga TLDM itu sendiri ketika melaksanakan penugasan yang diamanahkan. Tanpa peruntukan yang sesuai, ia boleh menjejaskan keupayaan untuk mengekalkan tahap kesiagaan yang tinggi dan bertindak terhadap sebarang ancaman terutamanya yang melibatkan keselamatan negara.

Justeru, TLDM berharap agar kerajaan baharu dapat menyelaraskan bajet keselamatan daripada 1% kepada 1.5% agar keupayaan pertahanan dapat disesuaikan dengan senario landskap keselamatan semasa. Selain itu penambahan aset berdasarkan perancangan 15 to 5 yang direncanakan oleh TLDM diharap dapat diteruskan oleh pihak kerajaan terutama dalam perolehan 2 buah kapal selam baharu serta meneruskan projek Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) dan projek Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) Batch Kedua.

Beliau juga turut merakamkan rasa bangga dan memberi peringatan agar tahap kesiagaan kapal selam dan kompetensi setiap submariner TLDM dikekalkan ditahap tertinggi pada setiap masa. Beliau mahukan AKAS TLDM terus berusaha untuk menguasai bidang peperangan bawah permukaan dan ilmu berkaitan kapal selam.

Majlis Pemakaian Lencana Kepakaran Kapal Selam ini telah membuktikan kemampuan TLDM mengoperasikan sistem berteknologi tinggi dan dapat menjimatkan kos latihan dengan mengurangkan kebergantungan latihan di luar negara.

Sumber : Markas Pemerintahan Kapal Selam

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