KUALA LUMPUR, 7 July 2023 – The Chief of Army (PTD), General Tan Sri Datuk Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman has completed the Army Chief of Staff (KSTD) Ceremony held at the Office of the Chief of Army, Wisma Pertahanan today.
The Army Chief of Staff, Major General Dato’ Zaidan bin Atan has been promoted to Lieutenant General effective 19 June 2023 and remains in his position as Army Chief of Staff.
All members of the Malaysian Army (TDM) congratulate KSTD on his promotion. Hopefully, the promotion will increase the excellence of TDM in the future.
KUALA LUMPUR, 7 Jul 2023 – Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman telah menyempurnakan Majlis Pemakaian Pangkat Ketua Staf Tentera Darat (KSTD) bertempat di Pejabat Panglima Tentera Darat, Wisma Pertahanan hari ini.
Ketua Staf Tentera Darat, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Zaidan bin Atan telah dinaikkan pangkat ke Leftenan Jeneral berkuatkuasa pada 19 Jun 2023 dan kekal menjawat jawatan sebagai Ketua Staf Tentera Darat.
Seluruh warga Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) mengucapkan tahniah kepada KSTD diatas pemakaian pangkat ini. Semoga dengan kenaikan pangkat tersebut akan meningkatkan lagi kecemerlangan TDM di masa hadapan.