SHAH ALAM: Capability Demonstration 4th Mechanised Brigade. Fourth Mechanised Brigade (4th Mech) based at Kuantan, Pahang, hold a capability demonstration parade recently for visiting Third Division Commander Mej. Gen Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim. Tengku Muhammad was promoted as the GOC of the division in late July, he was previously the Assistant Chief of Staff, operations and training of the Joint Force Command.

Third Div GOC Mej Jen. Tengku Muhammad Fauzi in a Gempita.

The units that took part in the parade were 12th RMR , 14th RMR, 19th RMR, 7th Royal Ranger Regiment, 1 Armour, 4 Semboyan, 4 Angkut and 4 Workshop. All of the units are designated as mechanised befitting their host brigade. Fourth Mechanised Brigade is commanded by Brig. Gen. Reizal Arif Ismail. Reizal had served twice as the commander of the Malaysian contingent in Lebanon.

Fourth Mech. Brigadier Reizal assisting his division commander (unseen) to park a Gempita

As part of the demonstration, the unit’s various Kenderaan Jenis A (Type A Vehicles – armoured) were displayed from the Adnan, MIFV and the Gempita. Also taking part were the various vehicles supporting the brigade from its tank carriers to mobile signals units.

14th RMR CO – the demo parade commander – in an Adnan with members of the media.

A Volvo heavy recovery vehicle from 1 Workshop was also displayed. These are the two Volvos bought as part of the Gempita project.

Volvo Heavy Recovery Vehicle from 1 Workshop. The unit is not with Fourth Mechanised Brigade.

As I arrived late for the event I missed some of the demonstrations held – Future Soldier System platoon and sniper system – but as it was held in on the parade grounds, I guess I did not really missed too much. The various KJA also took turns to demonstrate their capabilities from the Baktar Shikan equipped Adnans to the Ingwe armed Gempitas. Again as the demonstration was held on the parade ground, no ammo -live or training were expanded.

7th RRD crowd control platoon demosntrating their capabilities.

A company from 7 RRD also demonstrated their capabilities to respond to crowd control and riots. The unit if you remember is designated as the Army ready battalion. For riot control, the soldiers were equipped with the proper equipment though with Adnans supporting them it would be really intimidating for any possible rioters.

A platoon of Gempitas on the move.

The last demonstration held for the day was a troop of Adnans and Gempitas, separately, showing their combat formation for the GOC. For more pictures check out the slides below

Malaysian Defence

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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