10 Sqn Signals Bde (Para) conducted Exercise Camar Para 2/2019 from 6 to 10 SEP 2019 in the vicinity of Pagoh and Muar, Johor.

MAF X-band Manpack system

This exercise has been coordinated with the units under the 10 Brigade in the tactical implementation of Cross River Operations Ubique Claw.

The annual exercise aims to enhance the skills of the Communication Section to provide tactical communications specifically for operations and training across tactical rivers and the provision of Satellite Communications using X-BAND Manpack equipment.

The conduct of the exercise is divided into three phases, the first phase involves the movement to the exercise area and the procedure of setting up the Tactical Communication Network between the blue team and the Back to Rear connection to Headquarters 10 Bde (Para). The second phase tests the skills of the signallers to test the frequency allocated to the troops according to the weather and operating distance, and the third phase is the withdrawal after the completion of the exercise.

JOHOR : Pasukan 10 Skuadron Semboyan Briged (Para) berkekuatan seramai 16 orang anggota LLP yang diketuai oleh SSjn (YoS) Razzeman Khosim telah melaksanakan Eksesais Camar Para Siri 2/2019 pada 6 hingga 10 September 2019 bertempat di kawasan Pagoh dan Sg Muar.

Eksesais ini telah dikoordinasi bersama unit-unit dibawah naungan 10 Briged (Para) dalam pelaksanaan Operasi Menyeberang Sungai secara taktikal.

Eksesais tahunan pasukan ini bertujuan meningkatkan tahap kemahiran anggota Seksyen Komunikasi bagi menyediakan komunikasi taktikal khasnya bagi operasi dan latihan menyeberangi sungai secara taktikal dan penyediaan Komunikasi Satelite menggunakan peralatan X-BAND Manpack.

Perlaksanaan eksesais ini terbahagi kepada tiga fasa, fasa pertama melibatkan pergerakan ke kawasan eks dan prosedur mendirikan Rangkaian Komunikasi Taktikal di antara pasukan biru dan perhubungan Back to Rear ke Markas 10 Bgd Para, fasa kedua menguji akan kemahiran Jururadio menguji cuba frekuensi yang di peruntukkan kepada pasukan ini mengikut keadaan cuaca dan jarak operasi, fasa ketiga pula merupakan pergerakan pulang ke pasukan setelah selesai pelaksanaan eksesais.

Oleh : Sjn Mohamad Syazwan Abdul Hadi
Gambar : Kpl Ag Mohd Zat Mohd Azrat

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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