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15 RMN Personnel in China will Be Brought Home

KUALA LUMPUR: The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) is managing the return of is 15 staff who are currently undergoing Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) familiarisation training in Qidong, Shanghai in the near future.

The RMN Strategic Communications Branch explained that 12 people, including officers and members of other ranks, were assigned to Qidong to oversee the shipbuilding project in Wuhan, China, in conjunction with the establishment of the RMN LMS project team, since July 8, 2017.

The RMN also sent 45 personnel of the second LMS, KD Sundang, since 5 November 2019, to Qidong, Shanghai for training and subsequently to bring the ship back to Malaysia in mid-April this year.

“Of the total, 42 people returned to Malaysia following the Chinese New Year holiday since 17 January while the remaining 15 were still in Qidong, Shanghai.

“The RMN keeps in touch with them and monitors the latest developments in China. To date, there have been no cases of coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV) involving the RMN personnel.

“However, as a security measure, the RMN is managing the movement of these 15 personnel back to Malaysia in the near future”.

Following the outbreak of the outbreak that has so far killed 170 lives and infected 7,812 people, the RMN has confirmed that it is closely monitoring its current development, especially in the health aspects of its personnel.

To ensure that all prevention and control efforts are carried out smoothly, the RMN hopes that there will be no dissemination of invalid or false information regarding coronaviruses, involving LMS projects that will cause confusion among the public.

“Any further information will be made available through the official RMN channel,” he said.

KUALA LUMPUR: Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) sedang menguruskan pergerakan pulang 15 anggotanya yang kini mengikuti latihan penyesuaian Kapal Misi Pesisir (LMS) di Qidong, Shanghai dalam tempoh terdekat.

Cawangan Komunikasi Strategik TLDM menjelaskan, seramai 12 orang, merangkumi pegawai dan anggota lain-lain pangkat ditugaskan di Qidong bagi memantau projek pembinaan kapal di Wuhan, China, selari penubuhan pasukan projek LMS TLDM (PPLMS TLDM), sejak 8 Julai 2017 lalu.

TLDM turut menghantar 45 orang bakal warga LMS kedua, Sundang sejak 5 November 2019 lalu ke Qidong, Shanghai bagi mengikuti latihan penyesuaian dan seterusnya membawa kapal berkenaan pulang ke Malaysia pada pertengahan April, tahun ini.

“Daripada jumlah itu, seramai 42 orang pulang ke Malaysia susulan cuti perayaan Tahun Baharu Cina sejak 17 Januari lalu, manakala baki 15 orang masih berada di Qidong, Shanghai.

“TLDM sentiasa berhubung dengan mereka dan memantau perkembangan terkini di China. Sehingga kini, tiada sebarang kes jangkitan coronavirus (2019-nCoV) membabitkan warga TLDM.

“Bagaimanapun, sebagai langkah keselamatan, TLDM sedang menguruskan pergerakan pulang 15 anggota ini ke Malaysia dalam masa terdekat,” katanya dalam kenyataan, hari ini.

Susulan penularan wabak yang setakat ini mengorbankan 170 nyawa dan menjangkiti 7,812 orang itu, TLDM menegaskan pihaknya memantau rapi perkembangan semasa, khususnya membabitkan aspek kesihatan anggota.

Bagi memastikan semua usaha pencegahan dan kawalan berupaya dilaksana secara lancar, TLDM menyuarakan harapan supaya tiada penyebaran maklumat tidak sah atau palsu berhubung coronavirus, membabitkan projek LMS sehingga menimbulkan kekeliruan dalam kalangan masyarakat.

“Sebarang maklumat lanjut akan dihebahkan melalui saluran rasmi TLDM,” katanya.

Berita Harian

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