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6th Royal Ranger Regiment OBUA Training

JOHOR: The 6th Royal Ranger Regiment (6 RRR) Battalion has conducted Operation In Build Up Area (OBUA) Training at ZUCOV, PULADA Ulu Tiram where a total of three officers and 87 members of Other Ranks (LLP) from Company B 6 RRR were involved in this exercise from 7 to 13 Sep 2020.

The objective of this training is to improve the skills of officers and members of the company fighting in the built area and this training also sharpens and improves the skills of officers and members in handling weapons and some tools appropriate for the OBUA environment.

The training was also witnessed by the Commander of the 7th Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General Mohamed Fauzi Kamis who also stated to officers and members to be better prepared and always improve fighting skills in the OBUA environment.

This was because the training environment is not necessarily the same as the real situation where the real situation may be more challenging and high risk.

By: 6th Battalion, Royal Ranger Regiment Intelligence Cell

Photographer: Cpl Kalvin Roy

Latihan OBUA 6 RRD

JOHOR: Batalion Ke- 6 Rejimen Ranger Diraja (6 RRD) telah melaksanakan Latihan Operation In Build Up Area (OBUA) di ZUCOV, PULADA Ulu Tiram dimana seramai tiga pegawai dan 87 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) daripada Kompeni B 6 RRD telah terlibat di dalam latihan ini Pada 7 hingga 13 Sep 2020.

Objektif latihan ini di buat adalah untuk meningkatkan kemahiran pegawai dan anggota Kompeni bertempur di dalam kawasan terbina dan latihan ini juga mengasah serta memperbaiki kemahiran pegawai dan anggota di dalam mengendalikan senjata serta beberapa alatan yang sesuai dengan persekitaran OBUA.

Latihan ini turut disaksikan oleh Panglima Briged Ke-7 Infantri Malaysia, Brigedier Jeneral Mohamed Fauzi Kamis yang turut menyatakan kepada pegawai dan anggota supaya lebih bersedia dan sentiasa memperbaiki kemahiran bertempur dalam persekitaran OBUA.

Hal ini kerana suasana latihan tidak semestinya sama seperti keadaan sebenar di mana keadaan sebenar mungkin lebih mencabar dan berisiko tinggi.

Oleh : Sel Risik Batalion Ke-6 Rejimen Ranger Diraja
Jurugambar: Kpl Kalvin Roy

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