KUALA LUMPUR: Chief of Army Gen Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose Mohd Zain witnessed the Change of Command Ceremony of the Malaysia Army Eastern Field Command at Yaacob Zin Room, Wisma Perwira TD on 20 Nov 2020. Lt Gen Dato’ Mardzuki Muhammad has been promoted and appointed as the Commander of the Army Eastern Field Command effective today. He takes over the appointment from Lt Gen Datuk Mohd Zakaria bin Hj Yadi.

The handover was between the former Chief of Staff of the Army (COS Army) , Lt Gen Dato’ Mardzuki Muhammad and the new COS Army, Maj Gen Dato’ Subari Hj Tomo was also held at the same location.

Maj Gen Dato’ Subari Hj Tomo taking over as the new COS Army.

Maj Gen Dato’ Subari Hj Tomo was the Assistant Commander of the Reserve Force before taking over the new COS Army post.

Also present were the Deputy Chief of Army, Lt Gen Dato’ Hasagaya Abdullah, the Commander of the Army Western Field Command, Lt Gen Dato’ Mohammad Ab Rahman and senior Army officers.

Photo: Sjn Saiful Fazley Rusli

Mej Jen Dato’ Subari Hj Tomo KS TD Baharu

KUALA LUMPUR: Panglima Tentera Darat, Jen Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose Mohd Zain menyaksikan Majlis Menandatangani Nota Serah Terima Tugas Ketua Staf Tentera Darat (KS TD) di Bilik Yaacob Zin, Wisma Perwira TD pada 20 Nov 2020.

Serah Menyerah tersebut di antara mantan KS TD, Lt Jen Dato’ Mardzuki Muhammad dengan KS TD yang baharu, Mej Jen Dato’ Subari Hj Tomo.

Lt Gen Dato’ Mardzuki Muhammad taking over as the Commander of the Army Eastern Field Command from Lt Gen Datuk Mohd Zakaria bin Hj Yadi.

Lt Jen Dato’ Mardzuki Muhammad telah dinaikkan pangkat dan dilantik sebagai Panglima Medan Timur Tentera Darat berkuatkuasa pada hari ini.

Manakala Mej Jen Dato’ Subari Hj Tomo merupakan Asisten Panglima Pasukan Simpanan sebelum mengambil alih jawatan KS TD yang baharu.

Turut hadir, Timbalan Panglima Tentera Darat, Lt Jen Dato’ Hasagaya Abdullah, Panglima Medan Barat Tentera Darat, Lt Jen Dato’ Mohammad Ab Rahman dan pegawai kanan TD.

Gambar: Sjn Saiful Fazley Rusli

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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