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26th Anniversary of the Malaysian Army Air Unit

JOHOR: The Director of the Army Air Unit (PUTD), Brig Gen Yazid Yusuf explained that every PUTD officer and personnel is required to maintain the level of skills or standards that have been set at all times and adhere to every procedure and rules that lead to the ethics of their respective assignments.

“All PUTD personnel need to reflect and evaluate themselves and ask themselves, are we professional enough or just follow the flow and work just to have enough time.

“We need to always strengthen the union and work together as a team towards the same target and use the planning that has been set to achieve the desired objectives.

“Besides that, always respect each other whether the government or the rule because the responsibilities and trust that need to be borne not only need to be answered while in the world but what is important when there later,” said the Director of PUTD.

The PUTD Director said this during his speech at the 26th PUTD Anniversary Parade (HUT) at the PUTD 881 Regiment Area Dispersal Parade Ground on 11 March 2021.

He added that if there is no honesty, no integrity, no seriousness in carrying out the tasks received, they are not eligible to remain in this organization.

In addition, the Director of PUTD also called on all PUTD staff to be ready to make changes or ready to change to ensure that PUTD remains relevant, effective and always agile as a dynamic team capable of being a multiplayer force to TD.

The Director of PUTD also expressed his appreciation and hoped that the people of PUTD would continue to be committed, enthusiastic and viable in order to elevate PUTD into a team that is respected, revered and emulated by the team of friends and feared by the opponents.

Scanning the history of PUTD, this team was officially established on 11 March 1995 at the Air Base, Kluang and was officiated by Dato’ Seri Mohammad Najib Tun Abdul Razak as the then Minister of Defence.

Since that historic moment, PUTD has grown rapidly and now has two teams namely the 881 PUTD Regiment and the PUTD 882 Regiment Nucleus Team.

PUTD has also operated several types of aircraft, namely the Alloute MK III, A109 LOH and S61A-4 Nuri TD while the MD530-G aircraft will enter the PUTD inventory this year.

Earlier upon the arrival of the PUTD Director, he received greetings from the parade contingent involving three detachments consisting of 12 officers and 103 Other Ranks (LLP) members from the PUTD Direction Department, PUTD 881 Regiment and PUTD Regiment 882 Nucleus Team led by Lt Col Abd Rahmanizan Abd Rahman.

The parade began with a Rank Application Ceremony involving an officer and 12 LLP members officiated by the Director of PUTD.

After the parade, the Director of PUTD completed the opening ceremony of the PUTD Museum and continued with a briefing session on PUTD assets in the museum.

Also present were Rej 881 PUTD Commanding Officer and Rej 882 PUTD Nucleus Team Commanding Officer.

26 Tahun PUTD Kekal Relevan Bersama TD

JOHOR: Pengarah Pasukan Udara Tentera Darat (PUTD), Brig Jen Yazid Yusuf menjelaskan setiap pegawai dan anggota PUTD dikehendaki mengekalkan tahap kemahiran atau standard yang telah ditetapkan pada sebilang masa serta patuh pada setiap prosedur dan peraturan yang menjurus kepada etika penugasan masing-masing.

“Seluruh warga PUTD perlu muhasabah dan menilai diri serta bertanyakan kepada diri sendiri, adakah kita sudah cukup profesional atau sekadar mengikut arus dan bekerja hanya untuk mencukupkan masa.

“Kita perlu sentiasa mengukuhkan kesatuan dan bekerjasama sebagai satu tim ke arah sasaran yang sama serta menggunakan perancangan yang telah ditetapkan bagi mencapai objektif yang dikehendaki.

“Selain itu, sentiasa saling hormat-menghormati sama ada pemerintah atau yang diperintah kerana tanggungjawab dan amanah yang perlu dipikul bukan sahaja perlu dijawab semasa di dunia tetapi yang penting ketika di sana nanti,” jelas Pengarah PUTD.

Pengarah PUTD berkata demikian semasa ucapannya dalam Perbarisan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) PUTD Ke-26 di Padang Kawad Dispersal Area Rejimen 881 PUTD pada 11 Mac 2021.

Tambah beliau lagi, sekiranya tiada kejujuran, tiada integriti, tiada kesungguhan dalam melaksanakan tugasan yang diterima mereka ini tidak layak untuk kekal dalam organisasi ini.

Selain itu, Pengarah PUTD turut menyeru seluruh warga PUTD agar bersedia untuk membuat perubahan atau bersedia untuk berubah bagi memastikan PUTD terus relevan, efektif dan sentiasa tangkas sebagai sebuah pasukan dinamik yang mampu menjadi force multiplayer kepada TD.

Pengarah PUTD juga merakamkan penghargaan dan berharap warga PUTD terus beriltizam, bersemangat dan berdaya maju demi mengangkat PUTD menjadi pasukan yang dihormati, disegani dan dicontohi oleh pasukan sahabat serta digeruni oleh pihak lawan.

Mengimbas sejarah PUTD, pasukan ini telah ditubuhkan dengan rasminya pada 11 Mac 1995 di Pangkalan Udara, Kluang dan dirasmikan oleh Dato’ Seri Mohammad Najib Tun Abdul Razak selaku Menteri Pertahanan ketika itu.

Sejak detik bersejarah itu, PUTD telah berkembang dengan pesat dan kini mempunyai dua buah pasukan iaitu Rejimen 881 PUTD dan Tim Nukleus Rejimen 882 PUTD.

PUTD juga telah mengoperasikan beberapa jenis pesawat iaitu Alloute MK III, A109 LOH serta S61A-4 Nuri TD manakala pesawat MD530-G bakal memasuki inventori PUTD pada tahun ini.

Terdahulu sebaik ketibaan Pengarah PUTD, beliau menerima tabik hormat dari kontijen perbarisan melibatkan tiga detasmen terdiri daripada 12 pegawai dan 103 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) daripada Jabatan Arah PUTD, Rejimen 881 PUTD dan Tim Nukleus Rejimen 882 PUTD diketuai oleh Lt Kol Abd Rahmanizan Abd Rahman.

Perbarisan dimulakan dengan Upacara Pemakaian Pangkat melibatkan seorang pegawai dan 12 anggota LLP yang disempurnakan oleh Pengarah PUTD.

Selesai acara perbarisan, Pengarah PUTD menyempurnakan acara perasmian Muzium PUTD dan diteruskan dengan sesi taklimat berkaitan aset-aset PUTD di dalam muzium.

Turut hadir, Pegawai Memerintah Rej 881 PUTD dan Pegawai Memerintah Tim Nukleus Rej 882 PUTD.
