LUMUT, 3 June – KD LEKIR, a warship of the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) held a Passage Exercise (PASSEX) with the French Navy around the northern Straits of Malacca.

FS SURCOUF is a warship from France in the “Mission Jeanne D’Arc 2021” cruise program from France to Japan. FS SURCOUF stopped at Awana Porto Malai jetty, Langkawi from 29 May to 1 June 21 for logistical supplies before continuing the voyage to the next destination.

PASSEX is one of the initiatives of the RMN and the French Navy to strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries and increase mutual capabilities. The exercise also aims to test and ensure both ships are able to communicate and cooperate well at sea. The success of the exercise is the result of the commitment between the two parties, namely KD LEKIR and FS SURCOUF in establishing a strategic bilateral relationship.

To meet the objectives of the exercise, several serials were implemented, namely Surface Target Shooting – Tactical Firing in the Oscar Formation with both ships firing 10 bullets at a distance of 4 nautical miles and the Killer Tomato target was destroyed and sank.

In addition, the RAS Approach training conducted in rotation to give the opportunity for both ships to approach with the closest distance of 40 meters.

Boat Operation training was also carried out where KD LEKIR’s Marlin 1 Boat was unloaded for exchange of souvenirs. It would be incomplete if the OOW Maneuver training is not implemented and the training this time successfully carried out 7 tactical formations.

Sail Pass and Breakaway training where FS SURCOUF performed the Sail Pass on the right side of KD LEKIR’s hull before the PASSEX training was completed. The shooting was done from the air through a FENNEC aircraft belonging to the RMN.

Overall, all the planned exercises have been successfully conducted successfully and safely. The training this time has succeeded in achieving its objectives as well as being able to test the ability of RMN in operating with assets from other countries. This proves that RMN’s vision of becoming a world-class Navy is not impossible to achieve based on the capabilities and capabilities available now. Bravo Zulu!


LUMUT, 3 Jun – KD LEKIR, kapal perang Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) mengadakan latihan Passage Exercise (PASSEX) bersama Tentera Laut Perancis di sekitar utara Selat Melaka.

FS SURCOUF merupakan kapal perang dari negara Perancis dalam program pelayaran “Mission Jeanne D’Arc 2021” dari Perancis menuju ke Jepun. FS SURCOUF singgah berlabuh di jeti Awana Porto Malai, Langkawi pada 29 Mei hingga 1 Jun 21 bagi mengisi keperluan logistik sebelum meneruskan pelayaran ke destinasi seterusnya.

PASSEX merupakan salah satu inisiatif pihak TLDM dan Tentera Laut Perancis bagi mengeratkan hubungan diplomatik bagi kedua buah negara serta meningkatkan kebolehupayaan bersama. Latihan ini juga bertujuan untuk menguji dan memastikan kedua-dua kapal mampu berkomunikasi dan bekerjasama dengan baik di laut. Kejayaan latihan tersebut hasil daripada komitmen di antara kedua-dua buah pihak iaitu KD LEKIR dan FS SURCOUF dalam mewujudkan hubungan dua hala yang strategik.

Bagi memenuhi objektif latihan tersebut, beberapa jenis latihan telah dilaksanakan iaitu Penembakan Sasaran Permukaan – Tactical Firing dalam Formasi Oscar dengan kedua-dua buah kapal menembak 10 butir peluru pada jarak 4 batu nautika dan sasaran Killer Tomato telah musnah dan tenggelam.

Selain itu, latihan RAS Approach merupakan evolusi yang dilaksanakan secara bergilir bagi memberi peluang kepada kedua-buah kapal menghampiri (approach) dengan jarak terhampir semasa merapat iaitu dengan jarak 40 meter.

Latihan Boat Operation turut dilaksanakan di mana Bot Marlin 1 milik KD LEKIR telah diturunkan bagi melaksanakan pertukaran cenderahati. Tidak lengkap sekiranya latihan OOW Manoeuvre tidak dilaksanakan dan latihan pada kali ini 7 formasi taktikal telah berjaya dilaksanakan.

Latihan Sail Pass and Breakaway di mana FS SURCOUF telah melaksanakan Sail Pass di lambung sebelah kanan KD LEKIR sebelum latihan PASSEX tersebut selesai. Penggambaran dilakukan dari udara melalui pesawat FENNEC milik TLDM.

Secara keseluruhan, semua latihan yang dirancang telah berjaya dilaksanakan dengan jayanya dan selamat. Latihan pada kali ini telah berjaya mencapai objektifnya serta dapat menguji kemampuan aset TLDM dalam beroperasi bersama aset-aset dari negara lain. Ini membuktikan, bahawa visi TLDM untuk menjadi Tentera Laut bertaraf dunia adalah tidak mustahil untuk dikecapi berdasarkan kemampuan dan kebolehan sedia ada sekarang. Bravo Zulu!

Sumber : Pejabat Komunikasi Strategik MPAB

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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