Malaysian Army’s Second Career Project – Career Transition and Self-development Program Human Capital MY ATM 29th June 202129th June 2021 KUALA LUMPUR, 28 June 2021-A total of 100 Other Ranks (LLP) of the Malaysian Army (MA) who were selected in the Second Career Pilot Project, started the initial steps in preparation for their retirement by attending the Career Transition and Self-Development Program.The self-development program, which was conducted from 25 to 28 June 2021, implemented modules covering various aspects such as financial management skills and facing the challenges of the public world. The entire program has also been implemented in strict compliance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in line with the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO). The program, which is part of the planning of the Second Career Pilot Project, was closed by the Chief of Army (COA), General Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, today. For the record, this Second Career Pilot Project was launched by Tan Sri COA on 22 June 2021, and will be monitored directly by him. Meanwhile, the Commander of the Institute of Senior Army Officers (INSPEKA), is responsible for overseeing the entire project with the assistance of the Corps Directors involved.Tan Sri COA in his speech hoped that this program will be a starting point for all participants of the program, to identify their true potential and capabilities before stepping into retirement. He also hopes that whatever knowledge and knowledge gained during this self-development program, can ensure that the main goal of this Second Career Pilot Project achieves its objectives. Tan Sri COA also expressed his appreciation to all parties involved, especially the Department of Veterans Affairs (JHEV) and the Ex -Servicemen’s Affairs Corporation (PERHEBAT), who provided information and opened the minds of the participants of this program, to be able to identify their potential and make selection of appropriate skill areas.The closing ceremony of the program was held in a simple manner with a minimum attendance of participants.Indeed, the implementation of such a program is in line with the stipulation of the Third Pillar of the 28th COA Supreme Order, namely ‘Preservation of Citizens’ Welfare’, which places great emphasis on the welfare of Malaysian Army personnel, including future retirees. #TenteraDaratMalaysia #GagahSetia #TonggakKetiga PROGRAM TRANSISI KERJAYA DAN PEMBANGUNAN KENDIRI, PENDEDAHAN AWAL PESERTA PROJEK PERINTIS KERJAYA KEDUA KUALA LUMPUR, 28 Jun 2021 – Seramai 100 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) yang terpilih di dalam Projek Perintis Kerjaya Kedua, memulakan langkah awal sebagai persediaan bergelar pesara dengan menghadiri Program Transisi Kerjaya dan Pembangunan Kendiri. Program kendiri tersebut yang dilaksanakan mulai 25 sehingga 28 Jun 2021, melaksanakan modul merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti kemahiran pengurusan kewangan dan mendepani cabaran dunia awam. Keseluruhan program ini juga telah dilaksanakan dengan mematuhi Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) yang ketat sejajar dengan pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP).Program yang merupakan sebahagian daripada perancangan Projek Perintis Kerjaya Kedua, telah disempurnakan penutupan ringkas oleh Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, pada hari ini. Untuk rekod, Projek Perintis Kerjaya Kedua ini telah dilancarkan oleh Tan Sri PTD pada 22 Jun 2021 yang lalu, dan akan dipantau secara langsung oleh beliau. Sementara itu, Komandan Institut Pegawai Kanan Tentera Darat (INSPEKA), dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyelia keseluruhan projek ini dengan dibantu oleh Pengarah-Pengarah Kor yang terlibat. Tan Sri PTD di dalam ucapannya berharap agar program ini akan menjadi titik tolak kepada semua peserta program berkenaan, untuk mengenal pasti potensi dan keupayaan diri sebenar sebelum melangkah ke alam persaraan nanti. Beliau juga berharap, semoga apa sahaja ilmu dan pengetahuan yang diperolehi di sepanjang program kendiri ini, dapat menjamin matlamat utama Projek Perintis Kerjaya Kedua ini mencapai objektifnya.Tan Sri PTD turut merakamkan ucapan penghargaan kepada semua pihak yang terlibat, terutamanya Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran (JHEV) dan Perbadanan Hal Ehwal Bekas Tentera (PERHEBAT), yang memberikan maklumat serta membuka minda para peserta program ini, seterusnya berupaya mengenal pasti potensi diri dan membuat pilihan bidang kemahiran yang bersesuaian.Majlis penutupan program ini dilaksanakan secara serba ringkas dengan kehadiran minimum para peserta.Sesungguhnya, pelaksanaan program sebegini adalah sejajar dengan penetapan Tonggak Ketiga Perintah Ulung PTD Ke-28 iaitu ‘Pelestarian Kesejahteraan Warga’, yang amat menitikberatkan kebajikan kepada warga Tentera Darat Malaysia, termasuk bakal pesara.#TenteraDaratMalaysia#GagahSetia#TonggakKetiga Like this:Like Loading... Related