MELAKA: The Pathfinder Company (Para) was involved in the 10 Brigade (10 Bde) (Para) Exercise TIGER LEAP Series 4/2021 by conducting a trial of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Combat Jump in the waters of the Bidara Drop Zone (DZ), Tanjung Bidara on 11 August 2021.

The objective of this exercise is to study and test the Techniques, Tactics, Procedures and SOPs for jump training in waters starting with the establishment of Mounting Base, safety preparation in jump areas and the safety of jumpers in water, in addition to tactical movements approaching the enemy.

This exercise is also part of the preparation of the team under the command of 10 Bde (Para) for Exercise PARA PREDATOR and GERAK PANTAS.

The Commander of the 10th Brigade (Para), Brig Gen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal was also present to see the results of the test as well as provide guidelines for improvement.

Exercises were conducted in compliance with SOPs and strict discipline to ensure that the personnel involved were first isolated, screened and had received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine and were conducted in the local locality in a bubble group.

– 10 Brigade (Para) HQ


MELAKA: Komp PANDURA (Para) terlibat dalam Eksesais TIGER LEAP 10 Briged (10 Bgd) (Para) Siri 4/2021 dengan melaksanakan uji cuba Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) Penerjunan Tempur di perairan Zon Gugur (ZG) Bidara, Tanjung Bidara pada 11 Ogos 2021.

Objektif latihan ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan melaksanakan uji cuba Teknik, Taktik, Prosedur dan SOP bagi latihan penerjunan di perairan bermula dengan penubuhan Mounting Base, persiapan keselamatan di kawasan penerjunan, dan penerjunan anggota di kawasan perairan di samping pergerakan taktikal merapati musuh.

Latihan ini juga adalah sebahagian daripada persiapan pasukan-pasukan di bawah pemerintahan 10 Bgd (Para) dalam menghadapi Eksesais PARA PREDATOR dan GERAK PANTAS.

Panglima 10 Briged (Para), Brig Jen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal turut hadir untuk melihat keberhasilan uji cuba tersebut di samping memberikan garis panduan penambahbaikan.

Eksesais dilaksanakan dengan pematuhan SOP dan disiplin ketat bagi memastikan anggota terlibat terlebih dahulu diisolasi, disaring dan telah menerima dua dos vaksin COVID-19 serta dilaksanakan di dalam lokaliti setempat secara bubble group.

– Markas 10 Briged (Para)

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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