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Majority of Retired MAF Personnel Face Financial Difficulties

KUALA LUMPUR, 13 September 2021: The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) has noticed that the majority of its members are experiencing financial problems and they belong to the B40 group after early retirement.

The CDF, General Tan Sri Affendi Buang, said one of the reasons for the matter was the lack of a second career opportunity to ensure survival after termination of service.

He said, currently, his team is looking for ways to resolve the issue, including encouraging members’ wives to find part-time employment opportunities to help generate family income.

He said that the approach should not be taken from one angle only, but rather comprehensively involving the government, private and public.

“From the MAF, we need to ensure that the members are mentally ready to take the next phase (retirement) to live more comfortably.

“The average MAF member retires at the age of 40, they have commitments and expenses with children who have not finished school yet, cars and houses not paid off (loans with banks).

“We also see the wives of members who have the skills can generate income through online business methods, thus helping their husbands after retirement.

“The welfare aspect of retired members cannot be left alone after scattering sweat and blood to maintain national security,” he said in a special media interview in conjunction with the 88th MAF Day, at Wisma Perwira, here, today.

Affendi said the allocation of RM105.3 million given by the government to the MAF this year was not enough to take care of the welfare of veterans as a whole.

“While the MAF Department of Veterans Affairs (JHEV) is responsible for monitoring and safeguarding their welfare, the efforts and incentives given are not permanent.

“The effectiveness of the assistance depends a lot on the allocation channeled by the government, apart from the contributions and courtesy of companies or individuals,” he said.

Majoriti pesara ATM alami masalah kewangan

KUALA LUMPUR: Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) mengesan majoriti anggotanya mengalami masalah kewangan dan tergolong dalam kumpulan B40 selepas bersara awal.

Panglima ATM, Jeneral Tan Sri Affendi Buang, berkata antara punca perkara itu berlaku adalah ketiadaan peluang kerjaya kedua bagi menjamin kelangsungan hidup selepas tamat perkhidmatan.

Beliau berkata, ketika ini, pihaknya sedang mencari pendekatan untuk menyelesaikan isu itu, termasuk menggalakkan isteri anggota untuk mencari peluang pekerjaan secara sambilan bagi membantu menjana pendapatan keluarga.

Katanya, pendekatan itu juga tidak boleh diambil dari satu sudut sahaja, sebaliknya secara menyeluruh membabitkan pihak kerajaan, swasta dan awam.

“Daripada pihak ATM, kita perlu memastikan anggota berkenaan bersedia dari segi mental mengambil fasa seterusnya (persaraan) untuk hidup lebih selesa.

“Rata-rata anggota ATM bersara pada usia 40 tahun, mereka ada komitmen dan perbelanjaan dengan anak tak habis sekolah lagi, kereta dan rumah tak habis bayar (pinjaman dengan bank).

“Kita pun melihat isteri anggota yang mempunyai kemahiran boleh menjana pendapatan melalui kaedah perniagaan dalam talian, sekali gus membantu suami mereka selepas pencen.

“Aspek kebajikan anggota yang bersara tidak boleh dibiar begitu saja selepas menabur keringat dan darah untuk menjaga keselamatan negara,” katanya pada wawancara khas media sempena Hari ATM Ke-88, di Wisma Perwira, di sini, hari ini.
