KUALA LUMPUR, 1 Oct 21 – The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) and the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) have carried out bilateral military exercise codenamed, Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREX) MALSING 2021, for a period of three days from 29 Sep to 1 Oct 21. SAREX MALSING is a training activity of both countries conducted in rotation and with RSAF as the host this year.

The exercise was conducted in as a “virtual table top” exercise and includes a “field training” exercise without face to face between the RMAF and RSAF.

This exercise was conducted to strengthen understanding and interoperability as well as improve joint capabilities and the level of operational readiness involving search and rescue (SAR) missions. Exercise participants also shared information on “Search and Rescue” (SAR) through video conferencing.


The official opening of the exercise took place on 30 Sep 21 which was jointly attended by the Deputy Chief of Air Force, Lieutenant General Dato’ Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan RMAF and representing the RSAF Chief of Air Force Major General Kelvin Khong Boon Leong in a video conference. Also present were the Chief of Air Operations, Lieutenant General Dato’ Hj Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Othman RMAF and ACIS Operations and Strategy, Major General Dato’ Zulkifli bin Hamid RMAF, along with Head of Air Operations, Brigadier General Lim Kok Hong and Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Lau Boon Ping of the RSAF.

For the first time, the exercise was conducted via video conferencing following the world situation which is still facing the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the exercise this time was carried out successfully and has reached a mutual agreement from both air forces. The exercise featuring “Field Training Exercise” (FTX) with the concept of “meet-in-the-air” ie SAR aircraft will operate from their respective countries and will be at the joint assignment location involving RMAF EC 725 AP aircraft and RSAF Super Puma as well as SAR teams from both countries. It is a mutually agreed alternative in continuing the exercise this year.

The success of SAREX MALSING 2021 successfully demonstrates the level of professionalism between the two air forces as well as sharing ideas, expertise and cooperation in bilateral relations already established between Malaysia and Singapore.



KUALA LUMPUR, 1 Okt 21 – Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) dan Tentera Udara Republik Singapura (TURS) atau Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) telah melaksanakan latihan ketenteraan dua hala iaitu Eksesais Mencari dan Menyelamat (SAREX) MALSING 2021, selama (3) tiga hari bermula 29 Sep hingga 1 Okt 21. SAREX MALSING adalah merupakan aktiviti latihan kedua-dua negara yang dilaksanakan secara penggiliran dan RSAF sebagai tuan rumah.

Eksesais yang dijalankan secara “virtual table top” eksesais dan “field training” eksesais tanpa bersemuka di antara TUDM dan RSAF. Eksesais ini dilaksanakan bagi mengukuh persefahaman dan kebolehoperasian (interoperability) disamping meningkatkan keupayaan bersama serta tahap kesiagaan operasi yang melibatkan misi mencari dan menyelamat (SAR). Peserta eksesais turut menyalurkan maklumat berkenaan “Search and Rescue” (SAR) melalui persidangan video.

Pembukaan eksesais secara rasminya berlangsung pada 30 Sep 21 yang telah disempurnakan secara bersama oleh Timbalan Panglima Tentera Udara, Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan TUDM mewakili Panglima Tentera Udara dan Panglima Tentera Udara RSAF, Mejar Jeneral Kelvin Khong Boon Leong secara persidangan video. Turut serta ialah Panglima Operasi Udara, Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Hj Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Othman TUDM dan AKS Operasi dan Strategi, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Zulkifli bin Hamid TUDM dari TUDM berserta Head Air Operations, Brigedier Jeneral Lim Kok Hong dan Chief of Staff, Brigedier Jeneral Lau Boon Ping dari RSAF.

Buat pertama kali, latihan ini dilaksanakan secara persidangan video berikutan situasi dunia yang masih berdepan pandemik Covid-19. Namun, eksesais pada kali ini dilaksanakan dengan jayanya dan telah membuat persetujuan bersama dari kedua angkatan udara. Latihan yang menampilkan “Field Training Exercise” (FTX) yang berkonsepkan “meet-in-the-air” iaitu pesawat SAR akan beroperasi dari negara masing-masing dan akan berada di lokasi penugasan secara bersama melibatkan pesawat EC 725 AP TUDM dan Super Puma RSAF serta tim SAR dari kedua-dua buah negara. Ianya merupakan alternatif yang dipersetujui bersama di dalam meneruskan eksesais pada tahun ini.

Kejayaan SAREX MALSING 2021 berjaya membuktikan tahap profesionalisma di antara kedua-dua angkatan udara di samping berkongsi idea, kepakaran serta kerjasama hubungan bilateral yang sedia terjalin di antara Malaysia dan Singapura.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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