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Operationalisation of 26 RMR in Sabah

TAWAU, 5 Oct 21: Gen Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, Chief of Army was present to witness the Operationalisation of the 26th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (26 RMR) and the launch of OP DAULAT Book at Kukusan Camp, Tawau, today.

The parade was led by the Commanding Officer of 26 RMR, Lt Col Mohd Zahirin bin Zainol Abidin which involved a total of 13 officers and 150 members of Other Ranks as a brigade combat team to defend the sovereignty of Sabah.

The re-establishment of this battalion is part of the process of mobilising and increasing the number of military battalions in the East Coast of Sabah. In addition, there will additional personnel and combat assets added as a complete infantry force.

26th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (26 RMR)

The parade was also carried out in a state of new norms and complied with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) set by involving only the minimum presence of spectators and guests.

In the meantime, the COA also officiated the launch of OP DAULAT BOOK which was produced based on real events in Lahad Datu, Sabah in 2013. This book also tells the true picture of what happened during the Sulu Sultanate Army invasion and displays weaknesses and lessons from the incident.

The inauguration of this operation is indeed in line with the First Pillar of the Supreme Command which is Mission Continuity and Vigilance. The Malaysian Army will always place priority in increasing its readiness in the face of any form of threat to the well-being of its citizens.



26 RADM 26th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (26 RMR)

TAWAU, 5 Okt 21: Jen Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, Panglima Tentera Darat hadir menyempurnakan Pengoperasian Batalion Ke-26 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (26 RAMD) dan Pelancaran Buku OP DAULAT di Kem Kukusan, Tawau, hari ini.

Perbarisan diketuai oleh Pegawai Memerintah 26 RAMD, Lt Kol Mohd Zahirin bin Zainol Abidin yang melibatkan seramai 13 pegawai dan 150 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) sebagai sebuah pasukan tempur briged mempertahankan kedaulatan Negeri Sabah.

Penubuhan semula batalion ini merupakan sebahagian daripada proses aturgerak dan pertambahan batalion tentera di Pantai Timur Sabah. Di samping akan terus diperkasa dengan penambahan keanggotaan dan aset-aset tempur sebagai sebuah pasukan infantri yang lengkap.

Perbarisan ini turut dilaksanakan dalam keadaan norma baharu dan mematuhi Standard Operasi Prosedur (SOP) yang ditetapkan dengan hanya melibatkan kehadiran minimum penonton dan tetamu.

26 RADM 26th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (26 RMR) Buku op daulat

Dalam pada itu, PTD turut merasmikan pelancaran BUKU OP DAULAT yang dihasilkan berdasarkan kepada peristiwa sebenar berlaku di Lahad Datu, Sabah pada tahun 2013. Buku ini turut mengisahkan gambaran sebenar apa yang berlaku semasa pencerobohan Tentera Kesultanan Sulu dan memaparkan kelemahan serta iktibar daripada insiden berkenaan.

Perasmian pengoperasian ini sesungguhnya selari dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung iaitu Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan. TD akan sentiasa meletakkan keutamaan dalam meningkatkan kesiagaan ketumbukkanya dalam menghadapi sebarang bentuk ancaman terhadap kesejahteraan warganya.

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