Written By: Jeyaganesh Gopalsamy

One of my favourite General…Op Maj Gen Dato Haji Mohd Halim Khalid PGB 79A. Knew him since he was a Colonel, designated Military Aide to a former CDF. Later he went on to become our Defence Attaché in UAE. He cut short his stint to take care of his ailing mother.

A soldier’s General, who is genuinely concerned about the welfare and well being of men/women under his command. Rightfully so, as he have seen first hand, the loyalty and bravery of men who fought with him in actual combat.

You see, Maj Gen Halim, is no ordinary General. In 1993 while deployed to Somalia as part of elements from the 19th Royal Malay Regt (Mech) under UN Mandate UNOSOM II. Then Captain Halim was 2I/C of B Company.

READ ALSO: Major-General Dato’ Hj Mohd Halim Khalid Appointed As Malaysian Army 5th Division Commander

Among the Malaysian Peacekeeping Forces mission was to ensure the legitimate Government of the Day function seamlessly, despite threats from rebel forces.

On the 27 Sep, 1993 Capt Halim was entrusted to provide security detail to the judges of Civil Court of Mogadishu. Intelligence reports indicated, the rebels might attack the compound, as a high profile case was being trialed. Capt Halim deployed with his trusted mounted steed the Condor APC and along with a platoon sized detachment.

While guarding the court’s perimeter, the Malaysian Peacekeepers came under murderous fires. The rebels have sprung up an ambush with interlocking fire zone. There was no escape for Capt Halim and his men. Shouting battle orders, under the withering fire of Ak-47, Duskha HMG and RPG, Capt Halim and his men returned fire. They engaged the enemies head on with well drilled “leap frog” battle tactics, the Malays laying down sustained and accurate fire.

With the twin GPMGs of the Condors creating mayhem on the rebels. During this onslaught Capt Halim could see the rebels moving into the court to kidnap/kill the 3 Supreme Court Judges.

Without hesitation and total disregard to his safety, Capt Halim commandeered a Condor with few soldiers and smashed through the court building to rescue the pinned down judges. He personally whisked all 3 judges into his Condor and safety, while his troops provided covering fire. It was hell within the confined space of the court, with all kinds of ammo being depleted by the rebels. With no time to spare and without any support, Capt Halim ordered his platoon to engage the rebel and span out. Seeing the well coordinated counter attack of the Malays, the rebel retreated. Capt Halim handed over the ever grateful judges to the civil authorities and return to man his post.

Some of his Condors were damaged by RPGs and almost all had hundreds of HMG round marks on it.

Words of the Malaysian Peacekeepers “stubborn stand” at the court, spread out among other nations. Especially the leadership provided by a young Capt in repelling the attack and ensuring the safety of the judges. For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity beyond and above the call of duty Capt Mohd Halim Khalid was awarded the Panglima Gagah Berani. He distinguished himself by displaying exemplary leadership and bravery in fulfilling his entrusted mission.

Conforming to the highest standards of Officers ethos of the Malaysian Armed Forces.

If you meet him in person, you would not believe that such a soft spoken gentleman who could be mistaken for an “Ustaz” is actually a War Hero.

Serve To Lead, Op Sir.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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