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Sharing by Sergeant Major and Warrant Officers on Current Soldier Expectations

PUTRAJAYA, 15 Dec 21- A total of four (4) invited panelists consisting of Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) MAF, Army RSM, RMN Warrant Officer (WO) and WO Air Region 2 Headquarters, WO UI Mohd Rashidi bin Md Tahir representing RMAF WO were invited to give a lecture entitled “Soldier’s Expectation” in the Leadership Module in front of 120 students of the Malaysian Command and Staff Course (KPSM) Series 50/2021 held at the Auditorium of the Armed Forces Staff College.

This lecture is intended to provide information and views to course students on the best methods and approaches to understand the management and handling the affairs of Other Ranks (LLP) at the tactical and operational levels based on the perspective of RSM. In the lecture, the panel also described the differences and challenges in managing members in the past and present.

Apart from that, the panel also shared new ideas and approaches that have been implemented and are effective in managing personnel, especially when faced with major challenges today such as technological developments, especially social media, high level of education and other factors. The four panelists shared their experiences and views on the perception of LLP members towards the Commanding Officers in performing their duties and at the same time need to enforce current rules and directives.

Such a platform has also provided a clear picture of the importance of the role of subordinates up to the level of command in carrying out the trust, duties and responsibilities to achieve the mission and vision of the organization.


PUTRAJAYA, 15 Dis 21- Seramai empat (4) orang panel jemputan yang terdiri daripada SMR ATM, SMR TD, PW TLDM serta PW Markas Wilayah Udara 2 iaitu PW U I Mohd Rashidi bin Md Tahir yang mewakili PW TUDM telah dijemput utk memberi syarahan yg bertajuk “Soldier Expectation” di dalam Leadership Module di hadapan 120 orang penuntut Kursus Pemerintahan dan Staf Malaysia (KPSM) Siri 50/2021 yang diadakan di Auditorium Maktab Turus Angkatan Tentera.

Syarahan ini adalah bertujuan untuk memberi maklumat dan pandangan kepada penuntut kursus berkenaan kaedah dan pendekatan terbaik bagi memahami kaedah bagi pengurusan di dalam mengendalikan perihal anggota Lain Lain Pangkat (LLP) di peringkat taktikal dan operasi berdasarkan perspektif SMR. Dalam syarahan tersebut panel juga turut menghuraikan perbezaan dan cabaran di dalam menguruskan anggota pada masa dahulu dan pada masa kini.

Selain daripada itu, panel juga berkongsi idea-idea baharu serta pendekatan yang telah dilaksanakan dan berkesan bagi menguruskan anggota terutama apabila berhadapan cabaran yang besar pada masa kini seperti perkembangan teknologi terutamanya media sosial yang meluas, tahap pendidikan anggota yang tinggi serta faktor-faktor lain.

Keempat-empat panel telah berkongsi pengalaman serta pandangan mengenai tanggapan anggota LLP terhadap Pegawai Memerintah dalam melaksanakan tugas dan di dalam masa yang sama perlu menguatkuasakan peraturan dan arahan semasa.

Platform seperti ini juga telah memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang pentingnya peranan anggota bawahan sehingga ke peringkat pemerintahan di dalam melaksanakan amanah, tugas dan tanggungjawab untuk mencapai misi dan visi organisasi.

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