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PARPU Course Participants Demonstrate Abilities

JOHOR: An officer and 35 members of Other Ranks (LLP) of the Infantry Corps were involved in the Closing Ceremony of the Abseilling, Repelling and Air Rescue (PARPU) (Dec) course officiated by the Commander of the 10th Brigade (Para) (10 Bde (Para) ), Brig Gen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal at Kuari Banang, Batu Pahat on 25 Jan 2022.

The course which started from 4 Oct 2021 until 25 Jan 2022 aims to qualify PARPU members to perform duties and roles competently in terms of making ties and knots, supervising training in towers or in aircraft and the ability to perform Search and Rescue operations.

The event began with a Dynamic Demonstration presentation on the concept of Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) situations during the war with a repelling show using the sling bond method, Patient Traverse and ended with a Run Down show.

The Best Academic Student Award was held by Cpl Mohamad Shafiq Abdullah from the 17th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (Para) (17 RMR (Para)), while the Best Overall Student Award was received by Cpl Muaz Shahimi from 5 RMR.

In the speech of the Commander 10 Bde, he congratulated all the course students on their perseverance and perseverance in completing this challenging course.

He also expressed the hope that the students will be able to perform PARPU duties in various missions in various dimensions when mobilized later.

The implementation of this course is in line with the First Pillar of the 28th Army Chief’s Supreme Order, namely Mission Continuity and Readiness.

  • Eighth Battalion of the Royal Ranger Regiment (Para)


JOHOR: Seorang pegawai dan 35 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) Kor Infantri terlibat dalam Upacara Penutup Penyelia Abseilling, Repelling dan Penyelamat Udara (PARPU) (Dec) yang disempurnakan oleh Panglima Briged Ke-10 (Para) (10 Bgd (Para)), Brig Jen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal bertempat di Kuari Banang, Batu Pahat pada 25 Jan 2022.

Kursus kepakaran yang bermula dari 4 Okt 2021 sehingga 25 Jan 2022 ini bertujuan melayakkan anggota PARPU melaksanakan tugas dan peranan dengan kompeten dari aspek membuat ikatan dan simpulan, menyelia latihan di menara atau dalam pesawat serta berkebolehan melaksanakan operasi Mencari dan Menyelamat.

Acara dimulakan dengan persembahan Demonstrasi Dinamik berkonsepkan situasi Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) semasa perang dengan pertunjukan repelling menggunakan kaedah ikatan anduh, Patient Traverse dan diakhiri dengan pertunjukan Run Down.

Penganugerahan Penuntut Akademik Terbaik disandang oleh Kpl Mohamad Shafiq Abdullah dari Batalion Ke-17 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (Para) (17 RAMD (Para)), manakala Anugerah Penuntut Keseluruhan Terbaik dirangkul oleh Kpl Muaz Shahimi dari 5 RAMD.

Dalam ucapan Panglima 10 Bgd, beliau mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada semua penuntut kursus di atas kegigihan dan kecekalan menamatkan kursus yang penuh dengan cabaran ini.

Beliau turut menyatakan harapan agar para penuntut berkeupayaan melaksanakan tugas PARPU dalam pelbagai misi di pelbagai dimensi apabila diaturgerak kelak.

Pelaksanaan kursus ini sejajar dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan.

  • Batalion Kelapan Rejimen Renjer Diraja (Para)
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