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2022 MINDEF Action Plan – Achievements in First Quarter of 2022

KUALA LUMPUR, 14 April 2022 – Senior Minister of Defense, YB Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Hussein today informed that the latest achievements of the work of the Ministry of Defense Malaysia (MINDEF) and the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) in implementing various plans under the 2022 Action Plan covering 8 Thrusts is now running smoothly.

Yesterday, at the Outstanding Service Award Presentation Ceremony, he announced for the first quarter of 2022, several important initiatives targeted this year has been implemented and completed including:

First: out of 7 Malaysian Armed Forces Family Home projects (RKMAT) which include 1,081 units of houses that were announced last January, 3 of them have been completed covering 305 units of RKMAT Segamat Camp; 204 units of RKMAT Kem Pakit; and 20 units of Oran Camp RKMAT.

The focus now is to complete 4 more RKMAT projects this year.

MINDEF also has bigger plans to build 12,000 new RKMAT units during the 12th and 13th Malaysia Plans under the Housing Blueprint 3.0.

Second, efforts to improve the dividend rate of the Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) began to bear fruit when the Prime Minister, YAB DatoSri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced on March 6, LTAT dividend for 2021 is 4.1% which is the highest since 2019.

The next focus is the amendment of the Armed Forces Fund Act (TAT) to enable the retirement fund managed by LTAT to be fully guaranteed by Government. The Cabinet has given its approval in principle and it will be brought to Parliament for amendment this year.

In the interest of contributors, there are two things emphasized in the TAT Act Amendment, namely to provide flexibility so that military contributors can choose to increase the employee/individual share contribution rate by more than 10%, and allow contributors to choose to continue saving with LTAT even after termination of service.

Third, all 4 Littoral Mission Ships (LMS) for the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) have been received and commissioned. MINDEF has also embarked on serious planning to implement the procurement of the Second Batch LMS. It will start with 3 pieces and will be equipped with a more sophisticated weapon system.

Fourth, all 6 MD-530G helicopters for the use of the Malaysian Army Air Force (PUTD) have arrived safely in the country on 21 February 2022 and have been in the process of acceptance (Final Acceptance Test (FAT)) for the six helicopters.

Fifth, plans to enhance the Trilateral Cooperative Arrangement (TCA) to the rank of Minister of Defense of Malaysia, Indonesia and The Philippines has completed the finalization of DSA 2022. The three countries have also agreed to expand their involvement in the TCA by involving Brunei Darussalam and is now just waiting for the consent of His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei.

Sixth, the organization of Defense Services Asia (DSA) 2022 will remain in the folds of history as the first international event which has been successful since the country was hit by a pandemic. Although not open to the public, it has attracted an attendance of over 35,000 trade visitors, 350 VIP and VVIP delegates, over 1,000 companies and over 20 international pavilions.

At the same time, a total of 54 MoUs and Contracts were signed for MINDEF with a total of RM4.6 billion.

The sharing of achievements for the first quarter of MINDEF and MAF is important to ensure that what has been announced, is really on track and shows the seriousness of the leadership of MINDEF and MAF to provide the best for its citizens, Malaysians and the country.

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