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EC 725 AP Helicopters Officially Operates from No. 10 Squadron

KUANTAN, 21 Apr 22 – The date 21 Apr 22 marked a historic moment for the No. 10 Squadron members when the operation of the EC 725 AP helicopters officially begins at the No. 10 Squadron Hangar Building. The inauguration of the operation was carried out by the Commander of Kuantan Air Base, Brig Gen Ahmad Khusairi bin Ahmad Fadli RMAF.

As symbolic of the commencement of operations, a flight of the EC 725 AP helicopter formation was carried out and led by the Commanding Officer of No. 10 Squadron, Maj Paranjothi Manogharan RMAF.

EC 725 AP helicopter

Next, the members of the squadron recorded historical memories to immortalize the memory with a photo session with the entire members of the No. 10 Squadron.

The Doa Selamat and Tahlil Ceremony was held as a sign of gratitude and to obtain blessings with the full operation of the assets of this RMAF helicopter which was held at the Hangar Building No. 10 Squadron. It was followed by a Breaking Fast Ceremony to gather the entire squadron to enliven the month of Ramadan this year as well as seek the blessings and pleasure of Allah SWT.

For squadron operations, the relocation progress to Hangar Building No. 10 Squadron has begun in stages since early April and has now successfully implemented the first operation of EC 725 AP aircraft with new facilities. The facilities provided create a more conducive and comfortable workspace environment for squadron members to carry out missions and operations more efficiently. A word of appreciation and thanks to all parties involved, especially to the people of PU Kuantan who have worked hard to help in making this transfer a success.


EC 725 AP helicopter

KUANTAN, 21 Apr 22 – Tanggal 21 Apr 22 merakamkan detik bersejarah buat warga No 10 Skuadron apabila secara rasmi bermulanya pengoperasian pesawat EC 725 AP di Bangunan Hangar No 10 Skuadron. Perasmian pengoperasian telah disempurnakan oleh Komander Pangkalan Udara Kuantan, Brig Jen Ahmad Khusairi bin Ahmad Fadli TUDM.

EC 725 AP helicopter

Sebagai simbolik permulaan pengoperasian, satu penerbangan formasi pesawat EC 725 AP telah dilaksanakan yang diketuai oleh Pegawai memerintah No 10 Skuadron, Mej Paranjothi Manogharan TUDM. Seterusnya warga skuadron merakamkan kenangan bersejarah mengabadikan memori dengan sesi bergambar bersama seluruh warga No 10 Skuadron.

Majlis Doa Selamat dan Tahlil dilaksanakan sebagai tanda kesyukuran dan bagi mendapatkan keberkatan dengan pengoperasian penuh aset helikopter TUDM ini yang diadakan di Bangunan Hangar No 10 Skuadron. Ia diikuti dengan Majlis Berbuka Puasa mengumpulkan seluruh warga skuadron untuk mengimarahkan bulan Ramadan pada tahun ini disamping memohon keberkatan dan keredaan Allah SWT.

EC 725 AP helicopter

Bagi pengoperasian skuadron, progress perpindahan ke Bangunan Hangar No 10 Skuadron ini telah bermula secara berperingkat sejak awal April dan kini telah berjaya melaksanakan pengoperasian pertama pesawat EC 725 AP dengan kemudahan yang baharu. Kemudahan yang disediakan ini mewujudkan persekitaran ruang kerja yang lebih kondusif dan keselesaan untuk warga skuadron melaksanakan misi dan operasi dengan lebih efisien. Sekalung penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat terutamanya kepada warga PU Kuantan yang telah bertungkus lumus membantu dalam menjayakan perpindahan ini.

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