Exercise FALCON DOWN Ops & Training Security & Sovereignty 8th July 20228th July 2022 KUALA LUMPUR, 8 JUL 2022 – The Defence Special Forces Operations Division (BOPKP) in collaboration with AirAsia Berhad has successfully conducted the FALCON DOWN Exercise at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) for 2 days from 4 to 5 Jul 22. The inaugural exercise was held to test the preparedness of BOPKP members in facing crisis as well as their skills in carrying out attacks and rescuing hostages using AirAsia Berhad commercial aircraft. The 2 -day exercise also tested the skills of negotiation with terrorists as well as training in neutralizing the threat of Counter Improvised Explosive Device (CIED) and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNe). Collaboration with AirAsia Berhad also helped create a more realistic atmosphere (realism) in the training where AirAsia Berhad also provided an Airbus A320 aircraft and flight staff to make this exercise a success. Apart from members from BOPKP, this exercise also involved staff from the Defense Intelligence Staff Division (DISD), Dog Branch-Ground Training Center (PULADA), 19th RMR (Mech), CBRN Team from 12 Squadrons of the Royal Army Engineers Regiment (RAJD) , 91 RAJD Support Regiment, Medical Team from the Second Battalion of Kluang Medical, J3 Special Op Staff of the Joint Forces Headquarters and assistance of MAF personnel who acted as hostages as well as terrorists. Apart from that, the public agencies involved are AirAsia Berhad, Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad (MAHB), Sepang Aircraft Engineering (SAE), Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM) and KLIA District Police Headquarters (IPD). Prepared By: MAF Defence Special Forces Operations Division. #KedaulatanNegaraTanggungjawabBersama#ATMSentiasaBersepadu ๐๐ข๐๐๐๐ข๐ฅ๐๐ฆ๐ ๐๐ข๐ฃ๐๐ฃ ๐๐๐ก ๐๐๐ฅ๐๐ฆ๐๐ ๐๐๐ฅ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ฌ๐๐๐๐ก ๐๐๐ฆ๐๐ฆ๐๐๐ฆ ๐๐๐๐๐ข๐ก ๐๐ข๐ช๐ก KUALA LUMPUR, 8 JUL 2022 โ Bahagian Operasi Pasukan Khas Pertahanan (BOPKP) dengan kolaborasi bersama Syarikat Penerbangan AirAsia Berhad telah berjaya melaksanakan Eksesais FALCON DOWN yang dilaksanakan di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) selama 2 hari mulai 4 hingga 5 Jul 22. Eksesais yang julung kali diadakan ini bertujuan untuk menguji keupayaan kesiap siagaan anggota BOPKP dalam menghadapi krisis serta kemahiran melaksanakan serangan dan menyelamatkan tebusan dengan menggunakan pesawat komersial AirAsia Berhad. Eksesais selama 2 hari ini turut menguji kemahiran rundingan (negotiation) dengan pengganas serta latihan menutralisasikan ancaman Counter Improvised Explosive Device (CIED) dan Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNe). Kolaborasi bersama pihak Air Asia Berhad turut berjaya membantu mewujudkan suasana yang lebih realistik (realism) di dalam latihan dimana pihak AirAsia Berhad turut menyediakan sebuah kapal terbang Airbus A320 dan staf penerbangan bagi menjayakan eksesais ini. Selain anggota dari BOPKP, eksesais ini turut melibatkan staf daripada Bahagian Staf Perisikan Pertahanan (BSPP), Cawangan Serigala โ Pusat Latihan Darat (PULADA), Batalion Ke-19 RAMD (MEK), Tim CBRN dari 12 Skuadron Rejimen Askar Jurutera Diraja (RAJD), 91 Rejimen Bantuan RAJD, Tim Perubatan dari Batalion Kedua Perubatan Kluang, Staf J3 Op Khas Markas Angkatan Bersama dan bantuan anggota-anggota ATM yang bertindak sebagai tebusan serta pengganas. Selain itu juga, agensi-agensi awam yang terlibat adalah AirAsia Berhad, Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad (MAHB), Sepang Aircraft Engineering (SAE), Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM) dan Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) KLIA. Disediakan Oleh: Bahagian Operasi pasukan Khas Pertahanan ATM. Like this:Like Loading... Related