KUALA LUMPUR, 12 JUL 2022 – The Defence Special Forces Operations Division (BOPKP) in collaboration with Syarikat Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) has successfully implemented Exercise BLACK SNAKE Exercise at the Viaduct, 8 km from Subang Skypark Terminal for 2 days starting 6 to 7 Jul 22.

This inaugural exercise aims to test the ability and skills of MAF First Responder Group (FRG) members in handling crisis by carrying out hostage rescue operations in critical areas similar to the real situation using the KTMB Commuter Train.

The 2-day exercise also tested the skills of combat personnel in carrying out air infiltration to targets in the early morning and the ability of support personnel consisting of the Chemical, Biological, Radiology, Nuclear and Explosive Team (CBRNe) who performed the decontamination process on the maintenance trolley train on captive passengers. The Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (CIED) Team, Medical Team, Dog unit and consulting team also mobilized their assets using maintenance trolley train to perform procedures before, during and after the attack was carried out.

Collaboration with KTMB also helped create a more realistic environment in the training where KTMB also provided 3 Electric Multiple Unit Class 83 train coaches, 2 x Maintenance Trolley Train and KTMB staff to make this exercise a success.

Apart from BOPKP personnel, this exercise also involved MAF assets such as EC 725 Helicopter from 10 Kuantan Air Defence Squadron, AW109 LOH Helicopter from AAU 881 Squadron, Wolf Branch from Army Training Center (PULADA), CBRNe Team from 12 Royal Engineers Regiment Squadron (RAJD), CIED Team from the 91st RAJD Support Regiment, Medical Team from the Second Battalion of Kluang Medical, J3 Special Op Staff of the Joint Forces Headquarters and the assistance of MAF members and KTMB staff who acted as hostages and terrorists.

Prepared By: MAF Defence Special Forces Operations Division.



KUALA LUMPUR, 12 JUL 2022 – Bahagian Operasi Pasukan Khas Pertahanan (BOPKP) dengan kolaborasi bersama Syarikat Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) telah berjaya melaksanakan Eksesais BLACK SNAKE yang dilaksanakan di Jejambat (Viaduct) 8 km daripada Terminal Skypark Subang selama 2 hari mulai 6 hingga 7 Jul 22.

Eksesais yang julung kali diadakan ini bertujuan untuk menguji keupayaan dan kemahiran anggota First Responder Group (FRG) ATM dalam menghadapi krisis dengan melaksanakan operasi menyelamatkan tebusan di kawasan kritikal menyerupai situasi sebenar menggunakan Keretapi Komuter KTMB. Eksesais selama 2 hari ini turut menguji kemahiran anggota serangan melaksanakan penyusupan melalui udara ke sasaran yang dilaksanakan pada awal pagi dan kemampuan anggota bantuan yang terdiri daripada Tim Chemical, Biological, Radiologi, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNe) yang melaksanakan proses penyahcemaran di atas maintenance trolley train ke atas penumpang yang di tawan. Sementara Tim Counter Improviced Explosive Device (CIED), Tim Perubatan, Tim Anjing Perang daripada Cawangan Serigala dan pasukan perunding juga mengaturgerakkan aset-aset mereka menggunakan maintenance trolley train untuk melaksanakan prosedur sebelum, semasa dan selepas serangan dilaksanakan.

Kolaborasi bersama pihak KTMB turut berjaya membantu mewujudkan suasana yang lebih realistik di dalam latihan dimana pihak KTMB turut menyediakan 3 coach keretapi Electric Multiple Unit Class 83, 2 x Maintenance Trolley Train dan staf-staf KTMB bagi menjayakan eksesais ini.

Selain anggota BOPKP, eksesais ini turut melibatkan aset-aset ATM seperti Helikopter EC 725 dari 10 Skuadron PU Kuantan, Helikopter AW109 LOH dari Skuadron 881 PUTD, Cawangan Serigala dari Pusat Latihan Darat (PULADA), Tim CBRNe dari 12 Skuadron Rejimen Askar Jurutera Diraja (RAJD), Tim CIED dari 91 Rejimen Bantuan RAJD, Tim Perubatan dari Batalion Kedua Perubatan Kluang, Staf J3 Op Khas Markas Angkatan Bersama dan bantuan anggota-anggota ATM serta staf-staf KTMB yang bertindak sebagai tebusan serta pengganas.

Disediakan Oleh: Bahagian Operasi pasukan Khas Pertahanan ATM.



Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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