17 RMR (Para) Successfully Conducted Exercise EAGLE CLAW 1/2022 Ops & Training 18th July 202218th July 2022 JOHOR: The 17th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (Para) (17 RMR (Para)) has carried out Exercise EAGLE CLAW Series 1/2022 from 4 July to 8 July 2022 around the Pontian General Area. The objective of this exercise is to train officers and members in the performance of the duties and roles of the 10th Malaysian Infantry Brigade (Para) (10 Bde (Para)). This exercise was also conducted as Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) before Ex LINUD MALINDO 2022 which is expected to be conducted in August 2022. This exercise also aims to test the level of combat capability and ready to be deployed at any time. This exercise focuses on Operation Assault River Crossing to train officers and members to improve TTP skills and competencies of 17 RMR (Para) members. The exercise began with the conduct of the Battle Procedure and Tactical Advance to Battle, Rally Procedures and Securing Critical Installations. Exercises like this support the First Pillar of the 28th COA Supreme Command, namely Mission Continuity and Readiness through continuous and effective training. -17th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (Para) EKSESAIS EAGLE CLAW SIRI 1/2022 TINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI WARGA 17 RAMD (PARA) JOHOR: Batalion Ke-17 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (Para) (17 RAMD (Para)) telah melaksanakan Eksesais EAGLE CLAW Siri 1/2022 bermula dari 4 Jul hingga 8 Jul 2022 di sekitar Kawasan Am Pontian. Objektif eksesais ini adalah untuk melatih pegawai dan anggota dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan peranan Briged Ke-10 Infantri Malaysia (Para) (10 Bgd (Para)). Eksesais ini juga dilaksanakan sebagai Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) sebelum Eks LINUD MALINDO 2022 yang dijangka akan dijalankan pada bulan Ogos 2022. Eksesais ini turut bertujuan bagi menguji tahap keupayaan tempur serta ready to be deployed pada sebilang masa.Eksesais ini memfokuskan kepada Operasi Assault River Crossing bagi melatih pegawai dan anggota meningkatkan kemahiran TTP dan kompetensi anggota 17 RAMD (Para). Eksesais bermula dengan pelaksanaan Battle Procedure dan Tactical Advance to Battle, Rally Procedures dan Securing Critical Installations.Eksesais seperti ini mendukung Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung PTD Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan melalui latihan yang berterusan dan berkesan. -Batalion Ke-17 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (Para) Like this:Like Loading... Related