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Senior Minister of Defence Invited Media to View LCS in Boustead Naval Shipyard

Lumut, 13 August 2022- The Senior Minister of Defence repeatedly asserted that there is nothing he and the Ministry of Defence will hide regarding the LCS.

This determination was once again proven today when MINDEF opened the opportunity for approximately 20 media agencies to visit Boustead Naval Shipyard in Lumut Perak.

This visit was not only intended to give a briefing on the design of the LCS, but most importantly all media representatives were given the opportunity to see the LCS ships up close that are already under construction. They are also allowed to take videos and photos for public viewing.

They were also taken to the LCS equipment storage warehouse that will be installed later.

LCS equipment storage warehouse
LCS equipment storage warehouse.

Today’s visit has received very good feedback from every media representative and all can confirm that the LCS ship is already in the construction stage. Thank you media friends who participated today.


Lumut, 13 Ogos 2022- Menteri Kanan Pertahanan berulang kali menegaskan bahawa tiada perkara yang akan beliau dan Kementerian Pertahanan sembunyikan berkaitan LCS.

Ketegasan ini sekali lagi diterjemahkan hari ini apabila MINDEF membuka peluang kepada sebanyak lebih kurang 20 agensi media untuk mengadakan lawatan ke Boustead Naval Shipyard di Lumut Perak.

Lawatan ini bukan sekadar bertujuan memberi taklimat tentang reka bentuk LCS, malah paling utama semua wakil media diberi ruang untuk melihat sendiri secara dekat kapal-kapal LCS yang sudah di peringkat pembinaan. Mereka juga dibenarkan mengambil video dan gambar untuk tatapan umum.

Mereka turut dibawa ke gudang penyimpanan peralatan LCS yang akan dipasang kelak.

Lawatan hari ini telah mendapat maklum balas yang amat baik dari setiap wakil media dan semua boleh mengesahkan bahawa kapal LCS sudah di peringkat pembinaan. Terima kasih rakan-rakan media yang turut serta hari ini.






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