During the parade in conjunction with the 2022 National Day Celebration, the RMAF also displayed it’s Weaponry Assets. Three prime movers were deployed which brought the weaponry assets for display.

The first prime mover carries missiles used by Sukhoi aircraft, namely 1 x KH-31A missile is an “air to surface missile” and functions as an “anti ship missile”, 1 x KH-31P missile is an “air to surface missile” and functions as an “anti-ship missile” and 1 x KH-59 Missile is an “air to ground missile” and the main function is as a “land attack missile”.

The second prime mover carried 1 x KH-29 Missile which is an “air to surface missile” and serves to destroy wide targets and destroy large building structures and 3 x 190ul Missiles.

While the third Prime mover carries 1 x AIM120 AMRAAM Missile known as “Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile” used by Hawk and Hornet aircraft, 1 x AIM-7 SPARROW Missile which is a “Medium-range, semi- active radar homing air-to-air missile” used by Hornet aircraft, 1 x AGM84 HARPOON Missile which is an “air to surface missile” and functions as an “anti ship missile”, 1 x Mk 82 JDAM which is a “general purpose bomb” installed with a “guided kit” to control the movement of the bomb when dropped. The weight of the bomb is 500 lb and is used for “air to ground” attacks and 1 x Mk 83 JDAM which is a “general purpose bomb” that is installed with a “guided kit” to control the movement of the bomb when dropped_The weight of the bomb is 1000 lb and is used for “air to” attacks ground”.



Semasa perarakan sempena Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan 2022, TUDM turut mempamerkan Aset Persenjataan. Tiga prime mover telah digunakan yang membawa aset persenjataan untuk dipertontonkan.

Prime mover pertama membawa misil yang digunakan oleh pesawat sukhoi iaitu 1 x Misil KH-31A adalah “air to surface missile” dan berfungsi sebagai “anti ship missile”, 1 x Misil KH-31P adalah “air to surface missile” dan berfungsi sebagai “anti ship missile” dan 1 x Misil KH-59 adalah “air to ground missile” dan fungsi utama adalah sebagai “land attack missile”.

Prime mover kedua pula membawa 1 x Misil KH-29 adalah “air to surface missile” dan berfungsi untuk memusnahkan sasaran yang luas dan menghancurkan struktur bangunan yg besar dan 3 x Misil 190ul.

Manakala Prime mover ketiga membawa 1 x Misil AIM120 AMRAAM dikenali sebagai “Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile” yang digunakan oleh pesawat Hawk dan Hornet, 1 x Misil AIM-7 SPARROW iaitu misil dari jenis “Medium-range, semi-active radar homing air-to-air missile” yang digunakan oleh pesawat Hornet, 1 x Misil AGM84 HARPOON iaitu “air to surface missile” dan berfungsi sebagai “anti ship missile”, 1 x Mk 82 JDAM iaitu “general purpose bomb” yang dipasang dengan “guided kit” bagi mengawal pergerakan bom apabila dijatuhkan. Berat bom adalah 500 lb dan digunakan untuk serangan “air to ground” dan 1 x Mk 83 JDAM iaitu “general purpose bomb” yang dipasang dengan “guided kit” bagi mengawal pergerakan bom apabila dijatuhkan_Berat bom adalah 1000 lb dan digunakan untuk serangan “air to ground”.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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