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Malaysian Armed Forces Showcase Assets and Capabilities at Dataran Merdeka to Celebrate National Day

Kuala Lumpur, 31 August 2022 – The National Day 2022 celebration today was organized with full of excitement and on a large scale at Dataran Merdeka.

Themed “Malaysian Family Strong Together” can be seen with the arrival of visitors to Merdeka Square to celebrate this historic day together. So, prove the spirit of unity and love of country that is high in every soul of Malaysians.

The arrival of HRH SPB the Yang di-Pertuan Agong together with Raja Permaisuri Agong enlivened the celebration of this national day with full royal ceremonies.

The organization this time involved a parade from the Ministry’s contingent including the Ministry of Defence, the Merdeka Convoy Contingent, the Private and GLC Contingent, the Public Order Contingent and the National Security Contingent.

All three MAF branches consisting of Malaysian Army, RMN and RMAF participated in the parade representing the National Security Contingent including the MAF Veteran Contingent.

Among the assets exhibited by the Army to the public are the Scrambler, ATV, G-Wagon, VAMTAC, KPS GK MK I, Gempita, Tarantula, ADNAN and MIFV including 105 MM PH L5 Cannon, 155 MM G5 Cannon, IGLA, JERNAS, PENDEKAR as well as various other assets.

Visitors were also treated to an air show involving RMAF, RMN and Army assets such as EC 725 AP, AW139, AW109, Super Lynx, FENNEC and MD503 helicopters. A400M and C130H aircraft also made an aerial appearance followed by SU-30 MKM, PC 7 MK II, HAWK and HORNET fighter aircraft carrying the symbolic ‘The Sound of Freedom’.

Also present to enliven this celebration were the Senior Minister of Defence, YB Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and his wife, Deputy Minister of Defence, YB Dato’ Sri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz, Chief Secretary, YBhg. Dato’ Sri Muez Abd Aziz and his wife, CDF, General Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi Buang and the Service Chiefs.


Kuala Lumpur, 31 Ogos 2022 – Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan 2022 pada hari ini telah dianjurkan dengan penuh kemeriahan dan berskala besar di Dataran Merdeka.

Bertemakan “Keluarga Malaysia Teguh Bersama” dapat dilihat dengan kedatangan para pengunjung ke dataran merdeka untuk bersama-sama menyambut hari yang bersejarah ini. Lantas, membuktikan semangat perpaduan dan cintakan negara yang tinggi di dalam setiap jiwa rakyat Malaysia.

Keberangkatan tiba KDYMM SPB Yang di-Pertuan Agong Bersama Raja Permaisuri Agong memeriahkan lagi sambutan hari kebangsaan ini dengan penuh tatacara istiadat diraja.

Penganjuran kali ini melibatkan perarakan dari kontinjen Kementerian-Kementerian termasuk Kementerian Pertahanan, kontinjen konvoi Merdeka, Kontinjen swasta dan GLC, Kontinjen Ketenteraman Awam dan Kontinjen Keselamatan Negara.

Ketiga-tiga cabang perkhidmatan yang terdiri daripada TDM, TLDM dan TUDM mengambil bahagian dalam perarakan mewakili Kontinjen Keselamatan Negara termasuklah Kontinjen Veteran ATM.

Antara aset-aset yang dipamerkan Tentera Darat kepada umum adalah Scrambler, ATV, G-Wagon, VAMTAC, KPS GK MK I, Gempita, Tarantula, ADNAN dan MIFV termasuk senjata Meriam 105 MM PH L5, Meriam 155 MM G5, IGLA, JERNAS, PENDEKAR serta pelbagai aset lain.

Pengunjung turut disajikan dengan pertunjukan udara melibatkan aset TUDM, TLDM dan TDM seperti helikopter EC 725 AP, AW139, AW109, Super Lynx, FENNEC dan MD503. Pesawat A400M dan C130H turut membuat penampilan lintas udara disusuli dengan pesawat pejuang SU-30 MKM, PC 7 MK II, HAWK dan HORNET membawa simbolik ‘The Sound of Freedom’.

Turut hadir memeriahkan sambutan ini Menteri Kanan Pertahanan, YB Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein dan Isteri, Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan, YB Dato’ Sri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz, Ketua Setiausaha, YBhg. Dato’ Sri Muez Abd Aziz dan Isteri, Panglima Angkatan Tentera, General Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi Buang TUDM serta Panglima-Panglima Perkhidmatan.

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