KUANTAN, 28 Sep 22 – Deputy Chief of Air Force (Dy CoAF), Lt Gen Dato’ Indera Muhamad Norazlan bin Aris TUDM together with Chief of Staff – Air Staff of Republic Singapore Air Force (CoS-AS), Brig Gen Lau Boon Ping completed the Opening Ceremony of Exercise SAREX MALSING Series 4/2022 in the Exercise Parade which was held at the Air Movement aircraft parking area, Kuantan Air Base.

The ceremony was also attended by the Commander of Air Operations, Lt Gen Dato’ Mohd Shahada bin Ismail RMAF; Head of Air Operation RSAF, Brig Gen Chan Ching Hao; Commander Air Region 1, Maj Gen Dato’ Mahadzer bin Amin RMAF; Commander Air Combat Command RSAF, Brig Gen Lim Kok Hong; Kuantan Air Base Commander, Brig Gen Ahmad Khusairi bin Ahmad Fadli RMAF as well as all SAREX MALSING participants and RMAF senior officers.

The parade started with the Guard of Honor by members of the Kuantan Air Base to the Dy CoAF and the Chief of Staff – Air Staff of RSAF (CoS-AS) followed by the opening speech. The event continued with the Application of Patches and the Exercise Support Arrangement (ESA) Signing Session between the RMAF and the RSAF as symbolic of the opening of the exercise.

The Dy CoAF in his speech welcomed the arrival of the CoS-AS of RSAF, Brig Gen Lau Boon Ping together with the participants of the Exercise from the RSAF. According to him this exercise is an excellent opportunity to improve military coordination and bilateral cooperation between the two air forces in addition to strengthening understanding and interoperability as well as Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) so that search and rescue operations in the future can be carried out professionally, effectively and safe

The main objective of this exercise is to increase the level of professionalism between the two air forces in addition to sharing ideas, expertise and bilateral relations already established between Malaysia and Singapore.

Next, Dy CoAF and CoS-AS RSAF together with the delegation visited the exercise building and were presented with a briefing by the Exercise Controller regarding the scenarios and exercise activities with the concept of “Field Training Exercise” (FTX) that will be implemented throughout SAREX MALSING.

This year, Malaysia, through the RMAF, hosted the training activities of the two countries which were carried out in rotation. This exercise involved No. 10 Squadron of the RMAF and the Search and Rescue (SAR) team of the RMAF Special Forces (PASKAU) as well as EC 725 AP helicopters belonging to the RMAF while the RSAF involved No. 125 Squadron and the H225M aircraft in a SAR scenario that will be carried out in the northern waters of Pulau Tioman.

Ending the session in the afternoon, the Main Exercise Brief (MEB) was held at the INSPRA Auditorium. The briefing and explanation regarding the implementation of the exercise involves all participants so that the exercise trip planned this time can be implemented through coordination from all aspects to ensure that the objectives and mission are achieved as best as possible.

In the meantime, the RMAF would like to inform the public not to be alarmed and worried if they see RMAF and RSAF aircraft flying low during the four (4) exercise periods from 28 Sep to 2 Oct 22, especially involving the airspace of Kuantan and the surrounding area.



KUANTAN, 28 Sep 22 – Timbalan Panglima Tentera Udara (TPTU), Lt Jen Dato’ Indera Muhamad Norazlan bin Aris TUDM bersama Chief of Staff – Air Staff of Republic Singapore Air Force (CoS-AS), Brig Jen Lau Boon Ping telah menyempurnakan Perasmian Pembukaan Eksesais SAREX MALSING Siri 4/2022 dalam Perbarisan Pembukaan Eksesais yang diadakan bertempat di kawasan pakir pesawat Pergerakan Udara, Pangkalan Udara Kuantan.

Majlis turut dihadiri oleh Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Mohd Shahada bin Ismail TUDM; Head Air Operation RSAF, Brig Jen Chan Ching Hao; Panglima Wilayah Udara 1, Mej Jen Dato’ Mahadzer bin Amin TUDM; Commander Air Combat Command RSAF, Brig Jen Lim Kok Hong; Komander Pangkalan Udara Kuantan, Brig Jen Ahmad Khusairi bin Ahmad Fadli TUDM serta para peserta Eks SAREX MALSING dan pegawai-pegawai kanan TUDM.

Acara perbarisan dimulai dengan Kawalan Kehormatan Kuarter oleh anggota dari Pangkalan Udara Kuantan kepada Timbalan Panglima Tentera Udara (TPTU) dan Chief of Staff – Air Staff of RSAF (CoS-AS)diikuti ucapan perasmian. Acara diteruskan dengan Pemakaian Patch serta Sesi Menandatangani Exercise Support Arrangement (ESA) di antara TUDM dan RSAF sebagai simbolik pembukaan eksesais.

Timbalan Panglima Tentera Udara di dalam ucapannya sangat mengalu-alukan ketibaan CoS-AS of RSAF, Brig Jen Lau Boon Ping bersama para peserta Eksesais dari RSAF. Menurutnya eksesais ini satu peluang terbaik dalam meningkatkan koordinasi ketenteraan dan kerjasama bilateral kedua-dua angkatan udara di samping mengukuhkan persefahaman dan kebolehoperasian (interoperability) serta Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) agar operasi mencari dan menyelamat di masa hadapan dapat dilaksanakan dengan profesional, berkesan dan selamat.

Objektif utama latihan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan tahap profesionalisma di antara kedua-dua angkatan udara di samping berkongsi idea, kepakaran serta kerjasama hubungan bilateral yang sedia terjalin di antara Malaysia dan Singapura.

Seterusnya TPTU dan CoS-AS RSAF berserta deligasi telah melawat bangunan eksesais dan dipersembahkan dengan taklimat oleh Pegawai Pengawal Eksesais (Exercise Controller) berhubung senario dan aktiviti eksesais yang berkonsepkan “Field Training Exercise” (FTX) yang akan dilaksanakan sepanjang SAREX MALSING berlangsung.

Pada tahun ini, Malaysia melalui TUDM menjadi tuan rumah bagi aktiviti latihan kedua-dua negara yang dilaksanakan secara penggiliran. Eksesais ini melibatkan No 10 Skuadron TUDM dan pasukan Search And Rescue (SAR) Pasukan Khas TUDM (PASKAU) serta pesawat helikopter EC 725 AP milik TUDM manakala RSAF melibatkan No 125 Skuadron dan pesawat H225M dalam senario SAR yang akan dilaksanakan di utara perairan Pulau Tioman.

Mengakhiri sesi di sebelah petang, Main Exercise Brief (MEB) telah dilaksanakan di Auditorium INSPRA. Taklimat dan penerangan berkenaan pelaksanaan eksesais melibatkan semua peserta agar perjalanan eksesais yang dirancang pada kali ini dapat dilaksanakan melalui koordinasi dari segala aspek bagi memastikan objektif dan misi tercapai dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Dalam pada itu, TUDM ingin memaklumkan kepada orang ramai agar tidak cemas dan risau sekiranya melihat pesawat-pesawat TUDM dan RSAF terbang rendah di sepanjang empat (4) tempoh eksesais bermula 28 Sep hingga 2 Okt 22 khususnya melibatkan ruang udara Kuantan dan kawasan sekitarnya.




Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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