Exercise SAREX MALSING 4/22 Closing Ceremony Defence Relations Ops & Training 2nd October 20223rd October 2022 KUANTAN, 1 October 2022 – Exercise SAREX MALSING Series 4/22 which was carried out for 4 days involving the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) and the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) has drawn its curtain today. The closing ceremony was completed jointly by the RMAF CO-EXDIR, Lt Col Abang Raduan bin Abang Madihi RMAF and the RSAF CO-EXDIR, Lt Col Lim Seng Wee at the INSPRA Auditorium, Kuantan Air Base. The CO-EXDIR of both air forces were satisfied with the enthusiasm and determination shown by the exercise participants in achieving the objectives that had been set. This is a success for all the exercise participants who have succeeded in the exercise this time despite being faced with constraints from the weather aspect but the exercise still continued. Hopefully this exercise will continue in the future to further increase cooperation and the level of interoperability through the exchange of expertise as well as improving competence in the field of search. The RMAF also expressed its gratitude to the members of the RSAF during their stay in Malaysia, welcome back to Singapore and hope that this bilateral cooperation will be strengthened from time to time. PENUTUP EKSESAIS SAREX MALSING SIRI 4/22 Ex SAREX MALSING 4/22 KUANTAN, 1 Oktober 2022 – Eksesais SAREX MALSING Siri 4/22 yang dilaksanakan selama 4 hari melibatkan Tentera Udara Republik Singapura (TURS) dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) telah melabuhkan tirainya hari ini. Majlis penutup telah disempurnakan secara bersama oleh CO-EXDIR TUDM, Lt Kol Abang Raduan bin Abang Madihi TUDM dan CO-EXDIR RSAF, Lt Col Lim Seng Wee bertempat di Auditorium INSPRA, Pangkalan Udara Kuantan. CO-EXDIR kedua-dua angkatan udara telah berpuas hati dengan semangat dan kesungguhan yang ditunjukkan oleh peserta-peserta eksesais dalam mencapai objektif yang telah ditetapkan. Ini merupakan satu kejayaan bagi semua peserta eksesais yang telah menjayakan eksesais pada kali ini walaupun berhadapan dengan kekangan dari aspek cuaca tetapi eksesais masih tetap diteruskan. READ ALSO: Opening Ceremony Of Exercise SAREX MALSING 4/22 Semoga eksesais ini akan diteruskan lagi pada masa hadapan bagi meningkatkan lagi kerjasama dan tahap saling khidmat (interoperability) melalui pertukaran kepakaran serta meningkatkan kompetensi dalam bidang carilamat. TUDM turut merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada warga angkatan TURS sepanjang berada di Malaysia, selamat kembali ke Singapura dan semoga kerjasama bilateral ini akan diperkukuhkan dari semasa ke semasa. Like this:Like Loading... Related